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Bega Valley Shire Council advises of upcoming flood restoration works on Towamba Road. The site is located near the intersection of Towamba Road and Ben Boyd Road, about 14 kilometres from the Princes Highway, south of Eden.
Bega Valley Shire Council advises of upcoming flood restoration works on Towamba Road. The site is located near the intersection of Towamba Road and Ben Boyd Road, about 14 kilometres from the Princes Highway, south of Eden.
Last Thursday (13 March), Council held a community consultation meeting at Towamba Hall with over 50 residents attending. Council appreciates the feedback received on the upcoming restoration works. Based on the input, the timing and construction methods have been adjusted to minimise impact while ensuring safety.
Local contractors will conduct works from Monday, 31 March to Friday, 30 May, weather permitting. The works include constructing a block retaining wall to enhance the road's durability and repairing the road surface damaged by recent flood events. The work will be completed in three stages.
Stage 1 - Monday 31 March to Friday 18 April
A single lane with portable traffic lights will be open from 6:30am to 9am and 3pm to 6pm, Monday to Saturday. Expect delays of up to 30 minutes during these times. The road will be fully closed outside these hours, including overnight and from 9am to 3pm, Monday to Saturday. During this stage, the first 30 meters of the retaining wall will be built and backfilled.
Stage 2 - Friday 18 April (afternoon) to Monday 28 April (morning)
A single lane with portable traffic lights will remain open to allow light vehicles only to pass in one direction at a time. Road users should expect delays of up to 15 minutes during these times. During the Easter Holidays, no work will be completed and a 5T gross limit will be in place with restrictions to caravans and trailers.
Stage 3 - Monday 28 April to Friday 30 May
A single lane with portable traffic lights will remain open to allow road users to pass in one direction at a time between 6:30am to 9am and from 3:00pm to 6:00pm Monday to Saturday. Road users should expect delays of up to 30 minutes during these times.
The road will be under a full closure outside of these hours including overnight and between 9:00am to 3:00pm Monday to Saturday. During this stage the final 30 metre section of the retaining wall will be built, backfilled and the road surface resealed.
During periods of full closure, the recommended detour is via Burragate Road and Mount Darragh Road.
If ground conditions become unstable or unsafe for road users and our contractors, the road may be closed immediately without warning.
Trucks, buses and vehicles towing caravans or trailers will not be permitted to use the road at any time during construction.
Council thanks the community for their patience while these important works are undertaken.
Assistance is being provided through the jointly funded Commonwealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA).
For more information: contact Council’s Project Engineer (Disaster Recovery), Chris Hedditch on (02) 6499 2222.
For up-to-date information on the status of local roads, check Live Traffic NSW.
Zingel Place
PO Box 492
Bega NSW 2550
Monday to Friday 9.00AM to 4.30PM
Administration building Zingel Place Bega
ABN: 26 987 935 332