Affordable Housing Strategy

The Affordable Housing Strategy provides a framework to respond to housing need in the Bega Valley Shire to 2040.

Council’s adopted housing vision for the shire is:

Our residential areas provide housing choices for our local community now and into the future.



Bega Valley Shire Affordable Housing Strategy

All levels of government have a role to play in creating the policy settings and framework that support people wherever they are on the housing continuum.

Addressing the housing needs of the Bega Valley community is a key focus for Council. Council has adopted a Local Strategic Planning Statement, Residential Land Strategy, Rural Residential Strategy and Commercial Land Strategy, which all seek to promote housing diversity and affordability. Council has also adopted a Climate Resilience Strategy, which recognises the need for housing stock to be built to withstand the range of natural hazards to which the shire is exposed.

Affordable Housing Strategy

The Affordable Housing Strategy provides a framework to respond to housing need in the Bega Valley Shire to 2040. It was developed following consultation with a range of stakeholders and aims to:

  • clearly articulate the role of various stakeholders in delivering affordable housing in shire and opportunities for collaboration among those stakeholders
  • identify short, medium and long-term strategies for Council and other key stakeholders, to support housing development suitable for our growing population, ageing community and changes in household structure
  • identify key performance indicators to monitor housing affordability and implementation of the strategy
  • align with federal and NSW policy, including considering proposed changes to housing policy currently underway in NSW.

Further detail on the strategy can be found in the Affordable Housing Strategy background paper.

Community feedback

Council sought community feedback on the Draft Affordable Housing Strategy between 4 November 2021 and 6 February 2022.

More than 40 submissions were received from community members and local organisations.

Council adopted the Bega Valley Shire Affordable Housing Strategy on 18 May 2022.

Affordable Housing Implementation Group

The Affordable Housing Implementation Group terms of reference is to implement and monitor progress of the Bega Valey Shire Affordable Housing Strategy. For more information on this group please visit the Committee web page

Progress Reports

Read the strategy

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