Information about Council's regular services and programs.
Information about Council's community initiatives and support.
Information about doing business and investing in the shire.
Information about Building and Development in the Bega Valley Shire.
Information about how Council operates.
Dates of upcoming council meetings and information about deputations and public question time.
Bega Valley Shire Council meetings are held every four weeks, except in May and June where there will be two meetings.
The meetings start at 2pm and are held in the Council Chambers (Biamanga Room) at the Bega Valley Commemorative Civic Centre Zingel Place Bega, to conisder and resolve on the matters set out in the Agenda.
Council Meetings will be held face to face in the Council chambers subject to any Public Health Order, meetings will continue to be live streamed, recorded and archived on Council’s website.
Visit our streaming page to watch meetings live and view archived meetings.
For the purposes of Council Meetings, the Public Gallery is open, subject to the requirements of any Public Health Order in force at the time of the meeting and social distancing requirements, noting this may change with minimal notice and frequently.
Council can limit the number of members of the public attending meetings to comply with the Public Health Order and to ensure appropriate social distancing.
Members of the public attending meetings must comply with compulsory conditions of entry:
Zingel Place
PO Box 492
Bega NSW 2550
Monday to Friday 9.00AM to 4.30PM
Administration building Zingel Place Bega
ABN: 26 987 935 332