Arts and Culture plan

The Arts and Culture Plan is our blueprint for shaping the future of arts and culture in the Bega Valley Shire.

Image of exhibition in the South East Regaional Gallery

Our Arts and Culture Plan 2024/25 to 2029/30 serves as our blueprint for shaping the future of arts and culture in the shire over the next four years.

It will guide our future ventures in cultural infrastructure, events and programs, and their integration with broader Council activities.

The plan builds on Council's history of supporting the arts, reaffirming our commitment to nurturing the creative sector. It serves as a roadmap, outlining our direction for cultural activities and arts practices and how we'll continue to cultivate an environment where creativity thrives.

The plan is guided by five key themes:

  • cultural facilities
  • participation and access
  • creative enterprise
  • communication and connection
  • cultural leadership.

Each of these are accompanied by a range of actions to enhance and strengthen arts and culture over the next five years.

Some of these actions are within Council’s capacity now, while others will require investment from state and federal governments or partnerships with other organisations to bring them to fruition.

By embracing these themes, we aim to strengthen partnerships and work towards shared goals that celebrate our cultural identity.

Read the plan


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