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MEDIA RELEASE - Council invites the communities of Quaama and surrounding districts to a Green Shoots day of tree planting and environmental education sessions along Dry River in Quaama on Saturday 26 June.
18 June 2021
Bega Valley Shire Council invites the communities of Quaama and surrounding districts to a Green Shoots day of tree planting and environmental education sessions along Dry River in Quaama on Saturday 26 June.
“Our recent Green Shoots Have Your Say survey and community drop in session at Quaama park, helped us understand where residents would like to see post-bushfire environmental restoration carried out and what environmental matters they want to know more” Council’s Environmental Education Officer, Natalie Ryan said.
“We chose the Dry River site as most people wanted planting along the riverbank and it’s a location everyone can access, which means the community can watch the plants grow over time.
“The fires burnt much of the riverbank trees and ground cover species, both of which help stabilise the riverbank and prevent erosion which is another important reason to do planting here.
“Our surveys revealed the community is interested in learning more about the ‘what now’ in the environment after fire.
“For example, what stages of growth will we see? How will we deal with weeds? Will the black wattle stay? Where are the animals and when will some of them come back?”
Ms Ryan said the tree planting session will be supported by an environmental education walk and talk by local botanical expert Jackie Miles, and a walk and talk on river bird life by Barry Virtue from Atlas of Life.
“It’s a great opportunity to hear from these local experts and ask them questions,” Ms Ryan said.
“Other members of Atlas of Life will carry out an environmental survey on the different species in the area and show the community its new interactive platform, iNatulralist.
“This is a great app for recording sightings of plants and animals which is a particularly useful resource to use now, when our environment is going through so much change.”
Ms Ryan said the day of planting and education will allow community members the opportunity to come together, learn more about their environment and be involved with its regeneration.
The Quaama Green Shoots day, funded under the NSW government’s Bushfire Community Resilience and Recovery Fund, will be held on Saturday 26 June from 9.30am to 2pm at Dry River in Quaama (entrance to the river is via the bend in Bega Street).
9:30-12pm - free coffee and morning tea. Walk and talk by local botanical expert Jackie Miles and walk and talk on river bird life by Barry Virtue from Atlas of Life.
12-12:30pm – free casserole or curry lunch.
12:30-2pm - tree planting.
Bring sturdy walking shoes and sun protection, BYO water bottle and a ‘keep cup’ if you have one.
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