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MEDIA RELEASE 2021 - A draft concept plan for a future upgrade to the Tathra headland precinct is now open for community feedback.
15 December 2021
A draft concept plan for a future upgrade to the Tathra headland precinct is now open for community feedback.
Bega Valley Shire Council project manager, Amelia Souter said the draft plan aims to capture the gentle pace of the iconic coastal town by providing an increase in open space, equity and safety through improved pedestrian and cycle access, and opportunities to engage with the headland’s cultural legacy and community stories.
“We spoke to a wide range of stakeholders to bring the plan together, including local businesses, community groups, Djiringanj Traditional Elders, the Local Aboriginal Land Council and residents,” Ms Souter said.
“The key feedback we received was that while the headland provides walkable distances between attractions and businesses, people generally feel the precinct is unsafe for pedestrians and sometimes difficult to navigate for drivers, particularly on Wharf Road where cars and pedestrians use the same small road, with no formal delineation.
“The plan aims to address these issues through a number of smart improvements that make it easier and safer for everyone to use the headland, whether you require accessible parking, are walking or cycling, are going fishing or scuba diving, or walking with children or elderly family and friends.”
Other key elements of the concept plan include:
Member for Bega Andrew Constance said development of the Tathra headland precinct plan is supported as part of the NSW Government’s $7.81 million stimulus upgrade of Tathra Wharf funded by Crown Lands.
“The planned renewal of Tathra Wharf is progressing well with the Heritage Council of NSW currently assessing Council’s Heritage Application and a Review of Environmental Factors (REF) due to be completed shortly,” Mr Constance said.
Minister for Water, Property and Housing, Melinda Pavey said repair of Tathra Wharf will restore important community infrastructure while supporting jobs and tourism.
“Tathra Wharf is a local heritage icon and a recreation and tourism magnet that will be a centrepiece of the headland precinct for locals and visitors to the South Coast.”
Council does not currently have any funding to implement the precinct plan, however once finalised, the plan will be an integral part of any funding applications.
“We’re really keen to hear from as many locals and visitors as we can to ensure the plan aligns with the community’s needs and wants,” Ms Souter said.
“Once we have a concept plan that meets the needs of the community, we can then apply to the state and federal governments for funding.”
To have your say, check out the precinct plan and complete a short survey on Council’s website at by close of business on Wednesday 9 February.
More information about the project is available on Council’s website at
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