Barclay Street Recreation Precinct Upgrades

The design and construction of an all-inclusive play space, skate park, site access and park at Barclay Street recreational precinct, Eden.


Project Summary/Background

A master plan for the Barclay Street sportsground was endorsed by Council in August 2020. The masterplan identified the opportunity to develop a multi-functional recreation precinct at the Barclay Street sportsground including an all-inclusive play space and skatepark.

This project includes the design and construction of:

  • an all-inclusive play space including accessible play equipment (zip line, carousel, basket swing and accessible ship)
  • a skate park
  • an access road and car park, and
  • parkland.


Council is committed to providing safe and accessible recreational infrastructure and opportunities for the community.

The new multi-functional recreation precinct will be a social place for the community, increasing social cohesion.

Recreational activities have direct benefits in improving physical health and wellbeing, such as increased life expectancy, reduced risk for heart disease and improved mental health.

Recreational infrastructure has great potential to attract new residents to the area, especially young families, combatting some of the challenges faced by an ageing population.


Total project funding: $3,074,000

  • Department of Regional NSW, Bushfire Local Economic Recovery Fund contribution: $450,000 (access improvements and carpark upgrades). Additional funding secured to complete full scope of works $534,000
  • Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications, Community Development Program contribution: $400,000 (play space)
  • Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources, Building Better Regions Fund contribution: $375,000 (skate park)
  • Department of Regional NSW, Stronger Country Communities Fund contribution: $300,000 (skate park)
  • NSW Department of Planning and Environment, Everyone Can Play Program contribution: $300,000 (play & skate connecting areas and parkland facilties)
  • Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program, funded by the Australian Government: $715,000 (connecting areas and parkland facilities)

Connection to Council's Community Strategic Plan

This project aligns with Bega Valley Shire Council Community Strategic Plan 2040 through Outcome 1; Goal 2; Strategy 4.

  • Goal 2: We are an active, healthy community with access to good quality recreation and sporting facilities, and medical health care.
  • Strategy 4: Collaborate with partners to provide facilities, activities and services that encourage more people to have active and healthy lifestyles.

Related documents

* Note: concept design pictures are no longer current.


Who to talk to

Jessica Crawford
Project Manager
Bega Valley Shire Council
Phone: (02) 6499 2466


Timeline of works


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