Strategic reports and plans

Plans, policies and strategies guiding development within the Bega Valley Shire.

Plans, Policies and Strategies

How do they all fit together?

Bega Valley Shire’s Local Environmental Plan is the main document guiding development in the Shire. Underneath this plan sits the Development Control Plan and beneath this are various planning policies. 

There are also strategic planning reports and plans which help to inform the strategic direction for our Shire and these provide important background and context to the Local Environment Plan (LEP) and Development Control Plan (DCP).  Links to the relevant plans, policies and strategies are provided below:

Planning reports

Bega and Wolumla Structure Plans

Development Servicing Plans

A Development Servicing Plan is a document which details the upfront charges levied to recover part of the infrastructure costs incurred in servicing new development or additions/changes to existing development.

Plans of Management

CBD landscape master plans

The Master Plans guide the development of the public spaces and landscapes in the CBD’s of each town for the next 10 - 20 years.

Planning and development policy and procedures

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