Bike Plan

The purpose of this Bike Plan is to demonstrate responsive management and planning for cycling and affiliated infrastructure.

Bike riders on road.Bega Valley Shire Council has identified cycling as an increasingly important element in developing healthier, safer and more sustainable communities and endeavours to promote cycling as a legitimate and necessary mode of transport and recreation.  Council acknowledge cycling as a form of sustainable transport which is growing rapidly in popularity.  Cycling is a healthy, low cost and environmentally friendly alternative form of transport and recreation especially for short to medium length trips.  People’s motivation for cycling are varied including social and recreational purposes, health and fitness, commuting and environmental reasons.

The purpose of this Bike Plan is to demonstrate responsive management and planning for cycling and affiliated infrastructure.  The Bike Plan will be used to communicate the direction of cycling in the Shire and identify the resources and commitment that is required for providing a safe and enjoyable cycling network now and into the future.


That the Bega Valley be recognised for the abundance of cycling opportunities.


The key goals of the Bike Plan are to:

  1. Provide and manage a safe and enjoyable cycling experience through practical network development with improved facilities, connectivity and continuity.
  2. Raise safety awareness and education amongst cyclists and road users.
  3. Support and advocate cycling as an alternate mode of transport and recreation opportunity throughout the Shire.
  4. Communicate promote and fund cycling and related facilities to user groups and the community.
  5. Improve and advocate bicycle tourism and economic opportunities.

This Bike Plan has been divided into two sections. Those being:

Part 1: Why Cycle
Part 2: Cycling in the Bega Valley Shire

Part one demonstrates why people cycle and the benefits of cycling.  This provides the reasons behind why a strategy is being developed allowing the identification of the shortfalls and resources required to cater for the increased demand of cycling infrastructure into the future.

Part two gives an indication of where cycling sits within the Shire and how people are using the transport network, where the missing links are and what people want in regard to cycling in the Shire.

Within the Bike Plan a cycleway hierarchy has been developed to aid cyclists in determining the best route options, as well as helping Council’s managers to determine the resourcing priorities and works required.

Town Networks

the Bega Valley Bike Plan will be used to communicate the direction of cycling in the Shire and identify the resources and commitment that is required for providing a safe and enjoyable cycling network now and into the future.

a metre matters raises motorists awareness of the need to provide a metre when overtaking bicycle riders. Cycle Safe Communities by Amy Gillett Foundation, Safe together.

It’s a two-way street educates both drivers and bicycle riders that mutual respect and other important road rules and behaviours are crucial when sharing the road. Cycle Safe Communities by Amy Gillett Foundation, Safe together.

Link to Bega Valley Shire Bike Plan.
Link to 'a metre matters' Cycle Safe Communities informatin by Amy Gillet Foundation.
Link to 'It's a Two-Way Street' Cycle Safe Communities by Amy Gillett Foundation.


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