Local Government Elections 2024

The Local Government Elections will be held on Saturday 14 September 2024.

Image of three people voting.

The 2024 Local Government Elections for the Bega Valley Shire Council are being coordinated by the NSW Electoral Commission (NSWEC).

The information provided on this page has been provided by the NSWEC.

The 2024 Local Government Elections will be held on Saturday 14 September 2024. You can find information about the elections on the NSWEC website elections.nsw.gov.au.

At this election voters will be asked to vote on:

  • Who should be elected as the Mayor of Bega Valley Shire Council
  • Which candidates should become a Councillor for the next term of Council (2024–2028).

If you’re over 18, are an Australian citizen (or eligible British subject) and live in the Bega Valley Shire, make sure you’re enrolled to vote.

The NSWEC is offering online candidate information webinars that relate to:

  • Candidate information
  • Election funding, disclosures and compliance
  • Nominations
  • Third-party campaigners
  • Electoral material, compliance and voting
  • Candidate workers and scrutineers
  • Counting and result
  • Post-election obligations

Anyone interested in attending these webinars can register on the NSWEC website by clicking on this link.

The Office of Local Government (OLG) also has a dedicated page on its website for candidates at the upcoming election. The page is called ‘Becoming a Councillor’ and provides a range of resources for potential candidates to help understand what the role of a councillor is if they are elected. You can read more about details from the OLG by clicking on this link.

ALGWA Forum – Getting more women elected

Bega Valley Shire Council will be hosting a forum delivered by the NSW branch of the Australian Local Government Women’s Association (ALGWA). The forum is provided to encourage women to stand for local government elections.

The forum will be held at the Bega Commemorative Civic Centre on Saturday 13 July 2024, commencing at 10am and running until 1pm. You will hear from guest speakers about the roles and responsibilities of an elected official. You will also have the opportunity to network with other professional leaders in the industry and share success stories of women in local government.

If you would like to attend and participate, please register your interest here.

Caretaker period

Council will go into a caretaker role during the election period. This happens to make sure major decisions are not made which would limit or bind the actions of an incoming Council during the declared period. Caretaker mode begins four (4) weeks prior to 14 September 2024.

Although the official caretaker period ends at 6pm on the day of the Election, Council will not be responsible for making any decisions until at least its first official Ordinary Meeting; prior to which all newly or re-elected Councillors will commence a formal induction process.

The arrangements regarding caretaker periods are made through the Local Government (General) Regulations. Clause 393B of the Regulation requires the Council, the CEO, or any other delegate of the Council (other than a Joint Regional Planning Panel) to not exercise the following functions during the four weeks preceding an election:

  • Entering into any contract or undertaking involving an expenditure or receipt by the Council of an amount equal to or greater than $150,000 or 1% of the Council’s revenue from rates in the preceding financial year (whichever is the larger).
  • Determining a controversial Development Application, except where a failure to make such a determination would give rise to a deemed refusal, or such a deemed refusal arose before the
  • commencement of the caretaker period. The term “controversial Development Application” is defined as one for which at least 25 persons have made submissions by way of objection.
  • Appointing or renewing the appointment of the CEO or terminating their employment. (This does not include the appointment of an acting or temporary CEO).

Key dates



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