Barclay Street Sportsground Revitalisation

Construct new pavilion and install flood lighting at the Barclay Street Sportsground AFL/Cricket oval.


Project Summary/Background

The Bega Valley Shire Council were successful in receiving funds from the NSW Government under the Stronger Country Communities Fund program (Round 2) to revitalise the sportsground facilities at Barclay Street, Eden.


The purpose of this revitalisation project for Barclay Street, Eden sportsground is to:

  • Construct a new purpose-built sports pavilion for use by the sporting groups and the wider community in Eden.
  • Design and install floodlighting at the Barclay Street AFL/Cricket oval to improve lighting for training purposes (50 lux).

The new pavilion works included the:

  • Demolition of existing facility
  • Construction of a new sports facility including change rooms and accompanying amenities, public amenities, kiosk, storage room and all abilities access.

The new floodlighting upgrade included the:

  • Installation of 4 x 28-metre light towers with led light fittings mounted
  • Increase of lighting level to the maximum capacity of 50 lux for training level
  • Footing pads to mount the towers – 3.6m x 3.6m x 750mm deep


Funding received from the NSW Government under the Stronger Country Communities Fund, Round 2. 

Bega Valley Shire Council are contributing to the overall budget.

Connection to Council's Community Strategic Plan

This project is connected to Council's Community Strategic Plan through Outcome 1; Goal 2; Strategy 4.

  • Goal 2: We are an active, healthy community with access to good quality recreation and sporting facilities, and medical health care.
  • Strategy 4: Collaborate with partners to provide facilities, activities and services that encourage more people to have active and healthy lifestyles.


Who to talk to

Council's Recreation and Natural Assets Team
(02) 6499 2222


Timeline of works


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