
Discover the personal, business and environmental benefits of rethinking food waste.

Farm on the Green - Merimbula

Nourish & Flourish makes sense in so many ways. It’s great for your business’ bottom line and reputation, it makes the weekly food shop more affordable, and it redirects surplus food from landfill.

Food waste is a big problem for society. On average, for every five bags of food you buy, one of them will go to landfill. That’s 2.5 million tonnes – or 300kg per person – of perfectly edible food going straight to the red bin.

Making matters worse, while we are throwing away enough food to fill 13,000 Olympic sized swimming pools each year, more than five million Australians are experiencing food shortages every day.

And with all that food rotting in landfills, we are harming the environment through releasing huge amounts of methane (21 times more harmful than CO2) into the atmosphere and wasting precious water.

Nourish & Flourish is about flipping the food waste problem on its head.

A business that donates surplus food to a local community pantry can expect the following benefits:

  • Reducing your food waste footprint, you can turn food disposal costs into profit through increased customer engagement
  • Hit environmental targets and meet your customers’ expectations
  • Your customers are likely to remain faithful to your brand if you are seen to be addressing a widespread and multi-faceted problem through responsible actions.

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