Stormwater management levy

Service charges for stormwater.

Council introduced a stormwater levy in 2007-2008 under Section 496A of the Local Government Act 1993. The charge applies to all developed lots that benefit from Council’s stormwater system, whether built or natural. The funds are used to improve the performance of Council’s stormwater management services.

Total estimated income for the stormwater management levy in 2024-25 is $304,652.50.

The NSW Government caps the charges for all properties and the proposed charges are either at or below the cap levels.

Land Use Charge
Residential $25.00
Residential Strata $12.50
Commercial (up to 1,200 square metres) $25.00
Commercial (in excess of 1,200 square metres but not exceeding 3,000 square metres $100.00
Commercial (in excess of 3,000 square metres) $200.00
Commercial Strata $5.00

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