Volunteers needed for Council Committees

Bega Valley Shire Council is seeking expressions of interest from community and business members to fill vacancies on its Council Committees.

Zingel Place Council builiding.

22 October 2024

Bega Valley Shire Council is seeking expressions of interest from community and business members to fill vacancies on its Council Committees.

Council CEO, Anthony McMahon said committee volunteers play a vital role in community advocacy and managing key facilities and services across the Bega Valley Shire.

"These Council Committees provide a platform for residents to actively contribute to the wellbeing and inclusivity of our community, whether through maintaining facilities like sportsgrounds and cemeteries or focusing on initiatives such as accessibility, inclusion and community awards," he said.

"Joining a committee is a rewarding experience that unites people with shared goals. I encourage anyone looking to make a positive impact in their community to get involved."

The Awards Committee needs one additional community member to help with assessing nominations for Bega Valley Citizens of the Year and Bega Valley Medallion recipients.

The Access and Inclusion Advisory Committee (AIAC) seeks multiple volunteers from the community, including people with disability, carers, people from diverse backgrounds and young people, and the business, disability and tourism sectors, to bring about improvements to access and inclusion across the Bega Valley Shire.

The Affordable Housing Implementation Group (AHIG) seeks one to two volunteers from the community, relevant agencies or community groups with experience in affordable or social housing development, crisis accommodation, strategic land use planning, governance, advocacy, Aboriginal housing, or other similar areas.

The Coastal Planning and Flood Management Committee (CFMC) seeks volunteers from the community and the business and aquaculture sectors to advise Council on coastal and flooding issues.

The 11 Sportsground site committees include representatives of main sports clubs and users at each sportsground. These important local groups coordinate the use of facilities and undertake some of the care and maintenance activities at the sites. Site committees must have at least three members that represent regular user groups. 

Section 355 General Sportsground Committee. Each site committee also nominates two representatives to the shire-wide Section 355 General Sportsground Committee. This committee works with Council on matters like broader sportsground management, operations, fees, charges and priorities for upgrades to facilities.

Council will reach out to current committee members and user groups to fill any vacant positions, and also nominate Section 355 Committee representatives from the site committees.

The Pambula, Tathra, Wolumla and Tarraganda Community Halls committees are seeking expressions of interest from local community members to volunteer. Committee members oversee the care, maintenance and bookings for the halls, as well as manage essential emergency repairs when Council's after-hours line is unavailable.

Individual halls committees will nominate representatives to the Section 355 Community Halls Advisory Committee, which works with Council on funding and operations for community halls.

The Section 355 Cemeteries Advisory Committee is seeking to appoint a diverse membership from the community including individuals with an interest in cemeteries, local history, genealogy, tourism, cemetery management, horticulture and landscape architecture.

Committee members will work in partnership with Council to bring about improvements to the management of Council’s 14 cemeteries, under the governance of a range of legislative, policy and procedural requirements.

The Montreal Goldfield Committee is seeking volunteers to ensure the Goldfield continues to remain fit for purpose. This includes responsibility for the Goldfield’s care and management and conserving the environmental and cultural heritage of the site.

The Bega Valley Community Disaster Relief Fund is seeking one independent community representative. The fund accepts donations to assist residents affected by natural disasters with a significant community impact.

Information on individual Council Committees is available on Council’s website.

Council asks for Expressions of Interest to be submitted by Tuesday 12 November 2024. Submissions can be submitted via a form on Council’s volunteering webpage.

The form can also be printed, filled in and emailed to council@begavalley.nsw.gov.au or posted to Council via PO BOX 492, Bega NSW 2550.

For telephone enquiries, please call (02) 6499 2222.

Making an enquiry

All media enquiries and interview requests are coordinated by Council's Communication and Events team under the adopted Communications Policy. To view this policy, visit Public Policies and search 'communications'.

To submit a media enquiry or to request an interview:


Councillors can be contacted directly for enquiries regarding decisions of the elected Council and non-operational matters. Interviews with the Mayor should be arranged through the Communication and Events team contact details above.

Receiving information

If you’re a journalist or media organisation that would like to receive media releases and notifications about media opportunities, please email your name, title and contact details to media@begavalley.nsw.gov.au and we will add you to our distribution list.

You can also subscribe to Bega Valley Together and Business News, Council's fortnightly e-newsletters, or follow @begavalleyshirecouncil on Facebook  and Instagram.

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