Proposal to open CWF on Sundays

We are seeking to extend the opening hours of our Central Waste Facility (CWF) in Wolumla. If supported, the request will allow us to landfill waste on Sundays, when required.

The Central Waste Facility aerial shot

Our proposal

Currently we have development consent to operate the CWF from 8am to 5pm, Monday to Saturday. We are requesting consent to operate the site on Sundays from 10am to 4pm to help support waste collection services during busy times of the year.

Why is this needed?

Peak holiday periods in the Bega Valley Shire lead to increased use of our public bins and the need for a Sunday waste collection service during these times.

Until recently, Sunday waste collection trucks unloaded at the Eden Waste and Recycling Centre, however this site has now reached capacity. The CWF is Council’s last landfill facility in the shire

Can we leave waste in the trucks until Monday?

Unfortunately, this would present a major safety concern due to the risk of methane build-up in an environment where heat and the possibility of sparks are present.

Methane is an extremely flammable gas generated by rotting putrescible waste. Waste in trucks needs to be unloaded to a landfill site as soon as possible, where methane build-up is safely managed.

Can we leave waste in the bins until Monday?

No. The increased population in the shire at busy times between Christmas and Australia Day, and during Easter would lead to overflowing bins and safety concerns at frequently visited places.

How will this affect people living close to the CWF?

If Sunday operations at the CWF is supported,  people living close to the CWF may notice a small increase in waste collection trucks on the section of Wanatta Lane between the CWF and the Princes Highway. 

Based on historic Sunday waste collections, we expect this will be 3-4 trucks over the whole day. Residents may also experience changes in background noise on Sundays when landfilling at the site is necessary.

Sunday landfill operations may also be required in response to unforeseen events and/or emergencies—such as floods or bushfires—where immediate waste disposal is required.

Potential impacts of noise and traffic as a result of Sunday operations will be independently assessed and included as part of our application.

What else will change?

No other changes to our consent to operate are being proposed. The CWF will remain closed to the general public, and all traffic will continue to enter the CWF site along Wanatta Lane from the Princes Highway

If a modification to the development consent is supported, Council will also need to seek approval from the NSW EPA to vary the environment protection licence conditions for the site, to include landfill operations on Sundays.

Involving the community

We are reaching out to residents living within 5km of the CWF site to seek feedback on the proposed change in operating hours. All feedback received will be included in the application.

Providing feedback to us

Feedback regarding this proposal should be sent to using the subject: Proposal to open CWF on Sundays.

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