Be part of the change: Help shape the future of Cuttagee Bridge

Bega Valley Shire Council has engaged the services of GHD, a leading engineering and consulting firm, to partner with Council in delivering the Cuttagee Bridge Renewal project. An essential component of their work will be undertaking and delivering stakeholder engagement and consultation activities.

cuttagee bridge side view

18 March 2025

Bega Valley Shire Council has engaged the services of GHD, a leading engineering and consulting firm, to partner with Council in delivering the Cuttagee Bridge Renewal project. An essential component of their work will be undertaking and delivering stakeholder engagement and consultation activities. GHD will bring their expertise in community engagement and infrastructure projects to ensure a comprehensive and inclusive consultation process regarding the three design options agreed between Transport for New South Wales and Bega Valley Council.

The Cuttagee Bridge is nearing the end of its practical life and is subject to weight and speed restrictions due to the deteriorating condition of its ageing timbers. Council is committed to ensuring the safety and functionality of this vital infrastructure and is seeking community input to help guide the decision-making process.

The community engagement program ensures robust and meaningful consultation with the community and key stakeholders to guide decision making by both designers and Councillors, ensuring a productive working relationship with all interested and affected stakeholders.

Council has listened to concerns about the need to recognise the bridge’s history and will work with the community to develop the appropriate design for future needs within the constraints of the funding deed.

The project engagement program includes three phases – Plan, Engage and Refine.

The first ‘Plan’ phase is a crucial step in the consultation process. It involves a Have Your Say short survey to gather pre-concept design and methodology information. While much of this has already been documented over previous years, this phase is the first step in the latest consultation process and aims to gather broad community feedback on various aspects of the bridge renewal project including design, construction and the effects on users with what will be a major disruption to the road network.

The second ‘Engage’ phase will consolidate all feedback and insights gathered from the survey and is essential in shaping the development of the concept design options. It will reflect the diverse perspectives of the community and ensure that the concept design options are reflective of the whole community’s needs and preferences.

The third ‘Refine’ phase will see three bridge concept designs developed and placed on public exhibition, enabling the wider community to make any further comment. The detailed feedback received through this round of engagement will be used to inform Council as it decides on the preferred option to progress to detailed design and construction.

Mayor Russell Fitzpatrick emphasised the importance of community involvement.

“We are engaging the community to help shape the design options based on their needs and ideas. We aim to raise awareness about the project, explain its purpose and benefits, and discuss any potential impacts through clear communication.

“We want to hear from a wide range of community members to ensure everyone has a voice in the planning process.

“Building strong relationships is important, so we will maintain open communication and address community concerns. The feedback we gather will directly influence key design elements.

“This feedback will help Council understand the community's needs and concerns, ensuring the new bridge meets the needs and expectations of residents and road users,” Mayor Fitzpatrick said.

“We have heard the community's concerns about recognising and respecting the bridge's heritage and history while meeting modern safety and functionality standards.”

The Cuttagee Bridge, located on the Tathra Bermagui Road is a crucial road link between Barragga and Bermagui, providing access to the Sapphire Coast.

It serves as an important bitumen-sealed alternative access to the Princes Highway, offering emergency services access to an increasing residential rural population.

“The road also forms an integral part of the tourist facility of this coastal shire, providing access to the popular Mimosa Rocks National Park,” Mayor Fitzpatrick said.

Cuttagee Bridge was designed by the NSW Public Works Department in 1892. The bridge has been extended twice in response to shifting sands and suffered major flood damage in 1934 and again in 1974 and has been rebuilt and heavily modified from its original design.

In early 2024, Bega Valley Shire endorsed a plan to secure a long-term future for Cuttagee Bridge by formally accepting a $15 million grant from the NSW Government’s Regional Roads Fund to replace the existing bridge. The grant is intended to provide resilient, safe and high-quality road infrastructure and was gratefully accepted by Council.

Tenders for the lead design consultant recently closed and Council anticipates awarding this contract in April.

For information on the Cuttagee Bridge renewal project and to complete the survey, please visit Council’s website.

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