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MEDIA RELEASE 2021 - A concept design for the proposed, future renewal of the Merimbula boardwalk is available for public comment.
13 December 2021
A concept design for the proposed, future renewal of the Merimbula boardwalk is available for public comment.
Bega Valley Shire Council Project Manager, Amelia Souter said the design is based on community feedback.
“Earlier this year we asked the community how they use the boardwalk now and how they’d like to use it in the future,” Ms Souter said.
“What we found is the number one reason people use the boardwalk is to connect with nature. The proposed concept design seeks to honour this, while also balancing safety and improving accessibility.
“The design widens the boardwalk to enable two wheelchairs, prams or people walking dogs to pass more easily, while still retaining the charm through a simplistic, low-impact design.
“It includes new jetties, viewing platforms and seating areas so people can rest, take in the view and more easily access the water for swimming, fishing or exploration, as well as new low-level lighting to make it easier and safer to use the boardwalk at dawn and dusk.
“The design also includes repairing the existing gravel footpaths, improved signage and safe connection across Market Street, the removal of invasive species and revegetation of native species and formalising the bush tracks and access to residential streets.
“Our overarching goal with this project is to ensure the boardwalk continues to be a key recreational and nature tourism feature of Merimbula and the Sapphire Coast.
“Now that we have a concept, we’d like to see what the community thinks about it before we present it to the new Council for endorsement early next year.
“We currently don’t have any funding to upgrade the boardwalk, but once the concept design is finalised, we’ll be able to start applying for it.”
The timing of the upgrade is dependent on Council securing funding for the project.
To view the proposed concept design and have your say, go to Council’s website at
Feedback can be provided until close of business on 7 February 2022.
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