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MEDIA RELEASE 2021 - Council is asking the community to review and give feedback on 10 options for improving the existing flood warning system as part of the Bega and Brogo Rivers Floodplain Risk Management Plan.
30 July 2021
Bega Valley Shire Council is asking the community to review and give feedback on 10 options for improving the existing flood warning system as part of the Bega and Brogo Rivers Floodplain Risk Management Plan.
Council’s Acting Works and Assets Manager, Gary Louie says the options are contained in a Preferred Mitigation Options report now on public exhibition until 22 August.
“Late last year we engaged with the communities of Bemboka, Wolumla, Candelo, Bega, Tarraganda, Kalaru, Tathra, Mogareeka and surrounding areas, asking for input on the design of a proposed flood warning system,” Mr Louie said.
“Residents had the opportunity to review available and emerging flood warning technology and processes as part of this exercise.
“Local agencies, including SES and industry groups such as farmers, were included in the engagement process.
“It’s all part of a scoping and feasibility study for a potential enhancement of the existing flood warning system that will help impacted communities beyond the Bega township prepare for and respond to future floods.”
Mr Louie said the Preferred Mitigation Options report consolidates previous feedback and details 10 options that now need to be rated and short-listed for inclusion in the final options report.
“We’re seeking community feedback to help us finalise the options and begin the design of the warning system,” Mr Louie said.
“Each of the options we have narrowed down is presented using a traffic light system.
“The red options have been assessed by water engineers, Cardno, and classified as not recommended for further investigation.
“The green options are recommended, and the orange options are yet to be confirmed for further investigation or not.
“We need the community to give us their views on the orange options so we can determine a final list of the most feasible and useful options and whether it’s feasible extending flood warning to other parts of the catchment.
“Total Flood Warning Systems can include a number of components that must be integrated for the system to operate effectively. These include stream and rain gauges, emergency dashboards and public communications.
“Our aim is to develop a fit-for-purpose, location-based and efficient flood warning system tailored to the different needs of each community in the study area.”
The project follows on from the 2018 Bega and Brogo Rivers Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan which recommended investigating a flood warning system for the Bega and Brogo River study area.
The community consultation for the preferred mitigations stage of the project includes an online survey open until 22 August through Council’s Have Your Say web page, COVID-safe drop-in sessions and an online information session.
Registrations are required for the drop-in information sessions and can be managed by accessing the Have Your Say at or emailing
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