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Council is working through floodlight upgrades to sportsgrounds at Berrambool in Merimbula, Barclay Street, Eden and Pambula Sporting Complex.
20 March 2023
Bega Valley Shire Council is working through floodlight upgrades to sportsgrounds at Berrambool in Merimbula, Barclay Street, Eden and Pambula Sporting Complex.
The upgrades will provide:
Works is progressing well with completion scheduled by late April.
On Thursday 23 March, Barclay Street Soccer field will be closed to public while poles are craned into position and on Friday 24 March, Pambula Sporting Complex AFL/cricket field will be closed for poles positioning. Berrambool poles will be erected in late April, date yet to be confirmed.
Council Project Officer, Sean Howle says the new floodlights mean the sportsgrounds will meet Australian standards for lighting for all codes of football for training and local matches and include infrastructure to allow for future upgrades.
“The new lights will allow for more scheduling options for games and training while also increasing the safety of players and spectators” Mr Howle said.
“Lighting for sporting groups for training/matches will all remain in place until April and all user groups have been kept up-to-date on progress.”
Funding for the upgrades has been made available as follows:
For further information, please contact Sean Howle Project Officer Parks and Recreation (02) 6499 2222.
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Bega NSW 2550
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