Pre-lodgement advice

How to gain advice from Council prior to starting your new project and how this early advice can benefit you.

Pre-lodgement advice

The Development Support Services staff are available to discuss your application prior to lodgement and is also available to answer general planning and building enquiries, available via phone or in person at our administration building between 9am and 4.30pm, Monday to Friday.

Appointments can also be made with a planner or building surveyor, as well as with the Development Support Services staff, by calling Council on 02 6499 2222.

Development Advisory Panel

Council’s Development Advisory Panel provides pre-lodgement advice to people, groups or companies intending to carry out major and/or complex development. Written notes from the meeting relating to your development proposal will be forwarded to you as soon as possible after the meeting, usually within seven days.

The Development Advisory Panel comprises of the following staff, although other staff may attend when needed.

  • Planning Coordinator
  • Building Coordinator
  • Development Engineering Coordinator
  • Environmental Services Coordinator
  • Community Services representative
  • Strategic Planning Coordinator

To book a Pre-DA meeting

The Development Advisory Panel meets Thursdays from 10am. To make an appointment email

Please make an appointment no later than midday Monday, prior to the Thursday you wish to meet with the Panel. If there are no available appointments on the day Council can arrange your appointment for the following week. When making your appointment with the Panel please provide, or arrange to provide, the following information:

  • The names of the people attending the meeting
  • The address of the land under discussion
  • The type of development proposed
  • A contact person and phone number
  • A locality plan identifying the property
  • A concept plan showing the layout of the site (at minimum) and sketch elevations with basic dimensions
  • A brief written description of the proposal
  • Photographs (where possible) of the site and existing buildings where relevant

What does the Development Advisory Panel give advice about?

  • Rezoning (planning proposal) applications
  • Medium density housing development over five units
  • Subdivision involving the construction of a new road (either private or public)
  • Subdivision in excess of ten lots
  • New building within a heritage conservation area or where major work to a heritage-listed property is proposed
  • New development for tourist accommodation or tourist facilities
  • New development for industrial or commercial purposes
  • Proposal for designated development for the purpose of Schedule 3 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000

Proposal for regional development for the purpose of the State and Regional Development SEPP and Schedule 4A of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979


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