Expressions of Interest invited for waste facility Consultative Committee

Bega Valley Shire Council is calling for expressions of interest from community members keen to have a voice in the operations of the Central Waste Facility (CWF) near Wolumla.

The Central Waste Facility near Wolumla is Council's only operating landfill site.

The Central Waste Facility near Wolumla is Council’s only operating landfill site.

25 February 2025

Bega Valley Shire Council is calling for expressions of interest from community members keen to have a voice in the operations of the Central Waste Facility (CWF) near Wolumla.

Three positions are available for local residents to join the CWF Consultative Committee, a forum dedicated to providing community input and feedback on the facility.

To be eligible, applicants must reside within five kilometres (direct-line distance) of the site. This gives a voice to residents who may be affected by the facility’s operations.

The committee plays an important role in ensuring open communication between Council and the local community regarding the CWF.

While committee members do not have executive decision-making powers, they can provide valuable insights and suggestions to inform future operational and strategic decisions.

The committee’s scope is limited to the operations of the CWF and does not extend to broader waste management policies.

Council’s Waste Services Manager chairs the committee, which also includes the Mayor or a delegated Councillor, alongside the three community representatives.

Committee members serve a two-year term, attending up to six meetings over this period.

To ensure fair representation, previous committee members will not be re-appointed unless no other nominations are received.

For more information and to apply, visit the Have Your Say page on Council’s website.

Expressions of interest open on Tuesday 25 February and close on Tuesday 18 March.

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