Development Proposal - Wolumla - DA 2024.109

An application has been received to develop land at Coral Park Road, Wolumla for the purpose of alterations to existing extractive industry including blasting.

Council has received an application seeking approval to develop land as follows:

  • DA No.:  2024.109
  • Applicant: Metro Planning
  • Consent Authority: Southern Regional Planning Panel
  • Description of Land: Lot: 18 DP: 851163 - 28 Coral Park Road WOLUMLA
  • Description of Proposal: Alterations to existing extractive industry including blasting
  • Responsible Council Officer: V M Andre

The development application and the documents accompanying the application including the Environmental Impact Statement can be inspected at the Bega Valley Shire Council Office Monday to Friday from 9.00am to 4.00pm, from 5 July 2024 to 2 August 2024.

The application and its progress may also be tracked on Council’s website.

During the exhibition period any person may make a written submission concerning the development application.  Any person who may make a submission by way of objection must specify the grounds of objection.

Any person who makes a submission by way of objection may appeal to the Land and Environment Court under Section 8.8 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 if they are unhappy with the decision.

If the Independent Planning Commission conducts a public hearing, the Commission’s determination of the application is final and not subject to appeal. Under the provisions of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 this development is classed as Designated Development.

If you do not have access to a computer, ‘public access’ computers are available at Bega, Bermagui and Eden libraries to view this information.

Under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009, copies of your submission can be made publicly available. You can request that your name and address not be disclosed by writing ‘OBJECTION IN CONFIDENCE’ on your submission, however we may still be obliged to release these details. Submissions that do not contain the author’s name and address may not be considered, as we will be unable to validate their authenticity

If you would like to comment on the proposal please write to us before 2 August 2024. If you object to the proposal you need to tell us in your letter why you object to it and mail it to:

The CEO, Bega Valley Shire Council, PO Box 492, BEGA  NSW  2550

Or email your submission to:

Submissions can also be made on Council’s Application Tracker website.

If you make a submission you are required to disclose information about any political donations or gifts. This includes all reportable political donations made to any local Councillor of Council and all gifts made to any local Councillor or employee of Council, within a period of two years before the application is made.  Forms for making disclosures are available on Council’s website or from Council’s Office.


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