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Restoration of the Tathra Wharf sub-structure, structure and building.
The Tathra Wharf was constructed in 1862 and as one of the few remaining coastal deep water wharves of the coastal shipping era is listed on the NSW State Heritage Register. The wharf sustained significant damage during the 2016 east coast low event, which necessitated $500,000 of urgent repair works. As part of these works a structural inspection, by a marine structural engineer and divers, was undertaken of the supporting sub-structure. This assessment identified that a significant proportion of the sub-structure (piles) and structure (girders and decking) of the wharf had deteriorated to such a degree that major restoration work was urgently required. Detailed condition assessments were subsequently undertaken.
Under the NSW Government’s COVID-19 stimulus program via Crown Lands, Bega Valley Shire Council was awarded $7.1 million (excluding GST) to contribute towards the wharf restoration, upgrade of the Tathra Wharf and Headland precinct.
The project consisted of:
Tathra Wharf is an iconic structure situated in a prominent position on Tathra Headland. Today the wharf remains an important piece of infrastructure for the local economy, in particular as a tourist attraction as well as a fishing and recreational asset.
The purpose of this project is to undertake major restoration works to the wharf and building to address the deterioration and structural deficiencies identified in the detailed condition assessments, to ensure the long- term preservation of this important asset.
The project objectives are to:
The key benefits of the project are:
Bega Valley Shire Council has received $7.1 million (excluding GST) grant funding from the NSW Government’s Stimulus Package to support regional economies to recover from the Covid-19 pandemic.
This project is identified in the Community Strategic Plan under:
The project is identified in the Delivery Program 2017-2022 under:
The scope of works for the Tathra Wharf Restoration Project is based on a detailed condition assessment of the structure by marine engineers and divers, and consultation with Heritage NSW. The works will essentially be ‘like-for-like’ and include repair or replacement of:
The wharf structure works were carried out in six stages:
Vehicle and pedestrian access arrangements were constrained during the works, however public access to the Wharf Café, museum and part of the wharf deck was maintained throughout the duration of the works.
The scope of works also recognises the importance of the marine ecology beneath the wharf and includes minimisation measures (e.g. seahorse relocation) and mitigation measures (e.g. marine growth preservation and promotion of recolonisation).
The scope of the Tathra Wharf cargo building restoration works will be subject to available funding and Heritage NSW approval and is proposed to include weatherproofing, minor structural works and services upgrades.
David Buckley
Bega Valley Shire Council
Phone: (02) 6499 2222
Zingel Place
PO Box 492
Bega NSW 2550
Monday to Friday 9.00AM to 4.30PM
Administration building Zingel Place Bega
ABN: 26 987 935 332