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Council developed the Merimbula Transport Study to better plan for transport infrastructure prioritisation and implementation. This Transport Study will inform a place-based plan for Merimbula that considers all modes of transport.
The Merimbula Transport Study (MTS) is a Place-based Study (under the NSW Movement and Place Framework for the Merimbula CBD and the Fishpen Precinct and a direct action from the Bega Valley Local Strategic Planning Statement.
Places represent locations where people conduct any type of activity, from working to resting. Places have some form of meaning to people including places of convenience, conducting business, socialising and can have deep histories and heritage. Place values are important to preserve and enhance as they reinforce belonging in the community. It is important that we understand place as well as movement before considering changes because they are intrinsically linked. Successful places put people first and place function and movement together.
Merimbula’s transport needs are challenged by geographic (terrain) and environmental characteristics, changing demography, seasonal tourism, and expanding economic needs. The townships interdependencies and connectivity with transport links within and outside of the local government area also need careful consideration. These include cross-border linkages with Victoria and the ACT, marine transport, aviation and heavy vehicle needs.
Council engaged the contractor Stantec (formerly Cardno) to facilitate the study that was adopted by Council 15th November 2023 with some minor modifications to the exhibited draft documents (refer to Appendix B in the Adopted Merimbula Transport Study Recommendations Report in Related Documents for further details). The adopted Merimbula Transport Study is now a key planning document that will shape Council’s strategic transport agenda for the town and how it will pursue improvements to the transport network in Merimbula township as funding becomes available. It will nest under the Council’s future shire wide Transport Strategy and feed into that strategy as it changes.
The study builds on the earlier engagement of other key Council projects such as the:
The Transport Study engagement involved stakeholder group workshops and collecting community feedback through an interactive webmap portal where people responded to the following questions about study area:
The relevant feedback was then incorporated into the adopted study documents.
The Merimbula Transport Study achieved the following strategic objectives:
The study was based on the methodology and principles of the Movement and Place Framework. The framework recognises that it is important to understand place as well as movement before considering changes to either, because they are intrinsically linked.
The objective of the framework is to achieve roads and streets that:
The Adopted Merimbula Transport Study Context Report outlines the project methodology including the classification of streets, and details the strategic context, relevant elements of place and movement, intersection performance, issues and opportunities as well as presenting the transport modelling and analysis results, and a consultation report.
The Adopted Merimbula Transport Study Recommendations Report includes the Traffic Analysis and detailed explanation of one-way CBD options, clarifies the objectives of the study and outlines:
The Merimbula Transport Study can be linked to key Strategies within Council’s Community Strategic Plan 2042.
The Merimbula Transport Study assists in planning for the future so that we have opportunities to work, learn and socialise through the provision of affordable public transport and telecommunications services.
The Merimbula Transport study provided all transport stakeholders with the opportunity to be get involved and provided a chance to be heard during the multiple engagement stages for the community and stakeholders.
It will assist in the planning for an improved network of good quality roads, foot paths and cycleways connecting communities throughout the Shire and beyond.
Within the CSP, the Merimbula Transport Study also delivers on another key Strategy E.2:
Ensure the community has opportunities to actively engage and contribute in a a timely manner to the things that affect their daily lives using relevant and varied communication channels.
Gary Louie
Manager Works and Assets
Bega Valley Shire Council
Phone: 02 6499 2222
Sophie Thomson
Strategic Planning Coordinator
Bega Valley Shire Council
Phone: 02 6499 2222
Zingel Place
PO Box 492
Bega NSW 2550
Monday to Friday 9.00AM to 4.30PM
Administration building Zingel Place Bega
ABN: 26 987 935 332