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This project is the first stage in providing infrastructure for private and commercial tenancies.
The project is a part of the Merimbula Airport Master Plan that was adopted in 2013. It is the first stage in the provision of taxiways, roadways, services and building platforms for the commercial and general aviation precinct. It is located on the northern and western sides of Merimbula Aircraft Maintenance, to the north of the Merimbula Airport Passenger Terminal. Once complete business and light aircraft owners will be able to lease land for use to park aircraft, and construct hangars and buildings for aviation-based businesses.
General aviation and commercial aviation-based businesses are a usual part of a regional airport, including Merimbula Airport. The Merimbula Airport Master Plan, identifies the consolidation of these businesses in the location outlined in this project. This will allow for the rest of the airport site to be progressed in accordance with the master plan and more effectively separate the passenger transport activity from the rest of the airport activity.
The NSW Government is contributing $4 million, with Council contributing a further $620,000.
This project is connect to Council's Community Strategic Plan through Outcome 2, 4 and 5; Goals 3, 8 and 9.
Jenny Symons
Project Manager
Bega Valley Shire Council
Phone: 0409 257 826
Zingel Place
PO Box 492
Bega NSW 2550
Monday to Friday 9.00AM to 4.30PM
Administration building Zingel Place Bega
ABN: 26 987 935 332