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Upgrade current informal ramp to include a concrete boat ramp, pontoon, lighting and formalised car park and access road.
The following scopes of work has been delivered at the site:
The overarching purpose of this project is to improve the standard of this recreational boating facility, used by locals and visitors alike.
Council’s Maritime Infrastructure Plan (February 2014) identified upgrades to the existing boat ramp, launching area and access road in the short term scope of works, and installation of lighting and a pontoon jetty in the medium/long term scope of works.
Total project funding = $1,019,000 to the nearest ($1,000);
Feedback from the Tathra/Kalaru area in response to the “Understanding Our Place” community engagement process, which subsequently informed the CSP, included “improved recreation facilities and spaces”. This feedback links to CSP Outcome 1 Active and Healthy Communities; specifically the second goal of this outcome of “access to good quality recreation and sporting facilities”.
This project has been completed.
Zingel Place
PO Box 492
Bega NSW 2550
Monday to Friday 9.00AM to 4.30PM
Administration building Zingel Place Bega
ABN: 26 987 935 332