Streetlight faults

By reporting broken or faulty streetlights you are helping to create and maintain a street lighting system that is reliable, energy efficient and safer for your community.

By reporting broken or faulty streetlights you are helping us create and maintain a street lighting system that is reliable, energy efficient and safer for your community.

If you are aware of a damaged or non-operational streetlight in your area, we'd appreciate you letting us know.

If reporting faulty night vision lights, please call 13 20 80 (24 hours / 7 days a week). This page is only for reporting faulty streetlights.

For reporting via a mobile phone we recommend downloading the NeatStreets app which is available for iPhone or iPad, Android, and Windows Phone.

You can also log a fault through the Essential Energy website

The website has a map showing every street light. Type in the street address and click on light and report it

Essential energy working fixing a street light.

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