State priority weeds

State priority weeds have been assessed by NSW Department of Primary Industries as posing a high to medium biosecurity risk to the entire state of NSW and are identified in Table below.


Search the table using common name

Common name Scientific name Regulatory tool
African boxthorn Lycium ferocissimum Mandatory Measure prohibits sale within or import into NSW
Alligator weed Alternanthera philoxeroides Alligator Weed Biosecurity Zone applies in some parts of NSW Mandatory Measure prohibits sale within or import into NSW
All species of vascular plant Tracheophyta Mandatory Measure prohibits import into NSW if the species is not already present in the State
Anchored water hyacinth Eichhornia azurea Prohibited Matter in NSW
Asparagus weeds Asparagus aethiopicus, A. africanus, A. asparagoides including the western cape form*, A. plumosus, and A. scandens Mandatory Measure prohibits sale within or import into NSW
Athel pine Tamarix aphylla Mandatory Measure prohibits sale within or import into NSW
Bellyache bush Jatropha gossypiifolia Mandatory Measure prohibits sale within or import into NSW
Bitou bush Chrysanthemoides monilifera subsp. Rotundata Bitou Bush Biosecurity Zone applies in some parts of NSW Mandatory Measure prohibits sale within or import into NSW
Blackberry Rubus fruticosus spp. agg. (except the varietals chester thornless, dirksen thornless, loch ness, silvan, black satin, murrindindi, smooth stem, thornfree and chehalem) Mandatory Measure prohibits sale within or import into NSW
Black knapweed Centaurea x moncktonii Prohibited Matter in NSW
Boneseed Chrysanthemoides monilifera subsp. monilifera Biosecurity (Boneseed) Control Order 2022 applies in NSW Mandatory Measure prohibits sale within or import into NSW
Bridal veil creeper Asparagus declinatus Prohibited Matter in NSW
Broomrape Orobanche spp. (all species except the native O. cernua var. australiana and O. minor) Prohibited Matter in NSW
Brooms Genista monspessulana, G. linifolia, Cystisus scoparius Mandatory Measure prohibits sale within or import into NSW
Cabomba Cabomba caroliniana Mandatory Measure prohibits sale within or import into NSW
Cat’s claw creeper Dolichandra unguis-cati Mandatory Measure prohibits sale within or import into NSW
Chilean needle grass Nassella neesiana Mandatory Measure prohibits sale within or import into NSW
Chinese violet Asystasia gangetica subsp. micrantha Biosecurity (Chinese Violet) Control Order 2019 applies in NSW
Eurasian water milfoil Myriophyllum spicatum Prohibited Matter in NSW
Fireweed Senecio madagascariensis Mandatory Measure prohibits sale within or import into NSW
Frogbit / Spongeplant Limnobium spp. (all species) Prohibited Matter in NSW
Gamba grass Andropogon gayanus Prohibited Matter in NSW
Gorse Ulex europaeus Mandatory Measure prohibits sale within or import into NSW
Hawkweed Pilosella spp (all species) in addition to Hieracium spp (all species except Hieracium murorum) Prohibited Matter in NSW
Hydrocotyl/Water pennywort Hydrocotyle ranunculoides Prohibited Matter in NSW
Hymenachne Hymenachne amplexicaulis Mandatory Measure prohibits sale within or import into NSW
Karoo acacia Vachellia karroo (syn. Acacia karroo) Prohibited Matter in NSW
Kochia Bassia scoparia (excluding subsp. trichophylla) Prohibited Matter in NSW
Koster’s curse Clidemia hirta Prohibited Matter in NSW
Lagarosiphon Lagarosiphon major Prohibited Matter in NSW
Lantana Lantana camara Mandatory Measure prohibits sale within or import into NSW
Madeira vine Anredera cordifolia Mandatory Measure prohibits sale within or import into NSW
Mesquite Prosopis spp Mandatory Measure prohibits sale within or import into NSW
Mexican feather grass Nassella tenuissima (syn. Stipa tenuissima) Prohibited Matter in NSW
Miconia Miconia spp. (all species) Prohibited Matter in NSW
Mikania vine Mikania micrantha Prohibited Matter in NSW
Mimosa Mimosa pigra Prohibited Matter in NSW
Parkinsonia Parkinsonia aculeata Biosecurity (Parkinsonia) Control Order 2022 applies in NSW Mandatory Measure prohibits sale within or import into NSW
Parthenium weed Parthenium hysterophorus Prohibited Matter in NSW Mandatory Measure prohibits parthenium weed carriers from entering NSW from QLD
Pond apple Annona glabra Prohibited Matter in NSW
Prickly acacia Vachellia nilotica (syn. Acacia nilotica) Prohibited Matter in NSW
Prickly pears Opuntia spp. (excluding O. ficus- indica), Cylindropuntia spp. and Austrocylindropuntia spp. Mandatory Measure prohibits sale within or import into NSW
Rubber vine Cryptostegia grandiflora Prohibited Matter in NSW
Sagittaria Sagittaria platyphylla Mandatory Measure prohibits sale within or import into NSW
Salvinia Salvinia molesta Mandatory Measure prohibits sale within or import into NSW
Serrated tussock Nassella trichotoma Mandatory Measure prohibits sale within or import into NSW
Siam weed Chromolaena odorata Prohibited Matter in NSW
Silver-leaf nightshade Solanum elaeagnifolium Mandatory Measure prohibits sale within or import into NSW
Spotted knapweed Centaurea stoebe subsp. australis Prohibited Matter in NSW
Tropical soda apple Solanum viarum Biosecurity (Tropical Soda Apple) Control Order 2022 applies in NSW Mandatory Measure prohibits sale within or import into NSW
Water caltrop Trapa spp. (all species) Prohibited Matter in NSW
Water hyacinth Eichhornia crassipes Water Hyacinth Biosecurity Zone applies in some parts of NSW Mandatory Measure prohibits sale within or import into NSW
Water soldier Stratiotes aloides Prohibited Matter in NSW
Willows Salix species except S. babylonica, S. X calodendron and S. x reichardtiji (willows except weeping willows, pussy willow and sterile pussy willow) Mandatory Measure prohibits sale within or import into NSW
Witchweed Striga spp. (except the native S. parviflora) Prohibited Matter in NSW
Yellow burrhead Limnocharis flava Prohibited Matter in NSW


State priority weed category – PREVENTION

The following weeds have not established self-sustaining populations in NSW and pose a significant biosecurity risk to the state. Prohibiting these weeds from the state to prevent the biosecurity risk posed is a reasonably practical objective.

Biosecurity Act requirements and strategic response in the region

Mandatory Measure (Division 8, Clause 34)

Duty to notify on importation of plants into the state:

  1. A person must not import into the State a species of vascular plant (Tracheophyta) if the species is not currently present in the State unless the person has, at least 20 working days before the plant is imported into the state, notified the species of plant and its proposed location within the State.
  2. The notification is to be given to the Secretary and is to be given in accordance with Part 6.
  3. A species of plant is taken not to be present in the state if the National Herbarium of New South Wales does not show it as being present in the state.

Note. See


Common name Scientific name
All species of vascular plant Tracheophyta Tracheophyta


Biosecurity Act requirements and strategic response in the region

 Prohibited Matter (Part 4, Biosecurity Act, 2015)

A person who deals with any biosecurity matter that is Prohibited Matter throughout the State is guilty of an offence.

A person has a biosecurity duty to ensure that so far as is reasonably practicable, the biosecurity risk posed by prohibited matter is prevented, eliminated or minimised.

A person who becomes aware of, or suspects, that a prohibited matter event has occurred, is occurring or is about to occur has a biosecurity duty to immediately notify the local control authority about the prohibited matter event.

Regional strategic response:

  • Implement quarantine and/or hygiene protocols.
  •  Undertake high risk sites and pathways analysis to identify potential introduction areas and preventative options.
  • Trigger rapid response protocol.


Common names Scientific name
Anchored water hyacinth Eichhornia azurea
Black knapweed Centaurea x moncktonii
Bridal veil creeper Asparagus declinatus
Broomrape Orobanche spp. (all species except the native O. cernua var. australiana and O. minor)
Eurasian water milfoil Myriophyllum spicatum
Frogbit / Spongeplant Limnobium spp. (all species)
Gamba grass Andropogon gayanus
Hawkweed Pilosella spp (all species) in addition to Hieracium spp (all species except Hieracium murorum)
Hydrocotyl/ Water pennywort Hydrocotyle ranunculoides
Karoo acacia Vachellia karroo (syn. Acacia karroo)
Kochia Bassia scoparia (excluding subsp. trichophylla)
Koster’s curse Clidemia hirta
Lagarosiphon Lagarosiphon major
Mexican feather grass Nassella tenuissima (syn. Stipa tenuissima)
Miconia Miconia spp. (all species)
Mikania vine Mikania micrantha
Mimosa Mimosa pigra
Pond apple Annona glabra
Prickly acacia Vachellia nilotica (syn. Acacia nilotica)
Rubber vine Cryptostegia grandiflora
Siam weed Chromolaena odorata
Spotted knapweed Centaurea stoebe subsp. australis
Water caltrop Trapa spp. (all species)
Water soldier Stratiotes aloides
Witchweed Striga spp. (except the native S. parviflora)
Yellow burrhead Limnocharis flava


Biosecurity Act requirements and strategic response in the region

Prohibited Matter (Part 4, Biosecurity Act, 2015)

A person who deals with any biosecurity matter that is Prohibited Matter throughout the state is guilty of an offence.

A person has a biosecurity duty to ensure that so far as is reasonably practicable, the biosecurity risk posed by prohibited matter is prevented, eliminated or minimised.

A person who becomes aware of, or suspects, that a prohibited matter event has occurred, is occurring or is about to occur has a biosecurity duty to immediately notify the local control authority about the prohibited matter event.

Mandatory Measure (Division 8, Clause 35, Biosecurity Regulation, 2017) - parthenium weed carriers – machinery and equipment

  1. This clause applies to the following equipment:
    1. grain harvesters (including the comb or front)
    2. comb trailers (including the comb or front)
    3. bins used for holding grain during harvest operations
    4. augers or similar equipment used for moving grain
    5. vehicles used for transporting grain harvesters
    6. vehicles used as support vehicles with grain harvesters and that have been driven in paddocks during harvest operations
    7. mineral exploration drilling rigs and vehicles used for transporting those rigs
  2. A person must not import into the State from Queensland any equipment to which this clause applies.


Common name Scientific name
Parthenium weed Parthenium hysterophorus


State priority weed category – ERADICATION

The following weeds are present in limited distribution and abundance and pose a medium to high biosecurity risk to NSW. The measures established under the control orders are necessary to prevent, eliminate, minimise or manage the biosecurity risk or biosecurity impact.

Biosecurity Act requirements and strategic response in the region

The boneseed control zone is the whole of NSW

The parkinsonia control zone is the whole of NSW

The tropical soda apple control zone is the whole of NSW

Control measure - owners and occupiers of land

  1. The owner or occupier of land in the control zone on which there is a new infestation of boneseed, parkinsonia or tropical soda apple must notify the local control authority for that land as soon as practicable of the following information:
    1. the person’s full name and contact details, including a telephone number
    2. the address of the land, including the lot and deposited plan number and the property identification code for the land (if these are known)
    3. any other information that is requested by the local control authority.
  1. The owner or occupier of the land must ensure that the land is kept free of boneseed, parkinsonia or tropical soda apple by immediately destroying all boneseed, parkinsonia or tropical soda apple on the land. This requirement applies to any new infestation as well as any subsequent generations of boneseed, parkinsonia or tropical soda apple on that land.
  2. The owner or occupier does not need to comply with subclause (1) if they know that notification of the new infestation on the land has already been given to the local control authority of that land.

Control measure – persons dealing with carriers

A person who deals with a carrier of boneseed, parkinsonia or tropical soda apple must take all reasonable steps to ensure that the carrier is not moved from the land with any boneseed, parkinsonia or tropical soda apple on it, attached to it, or contained in it, before the carrier is moved from the land.


Common name Scientific name


Chrysanthemoides monilifera subspecies. monilifera


Parkinsonia aculeata
Tropical soda apple Solanum viarum

State priority weed category ERADICATION AND/OR CONTAINMENT

The following weeds pose a medium to high biosecurity risk to NSW and vary in distribution and abundance in different parts of the state. The principal object of a biosecurity zone regulation is to provide for the long term management of a biosecurity risk or biosecurity impact.

Biosecurity Act requirements and strategic response in the region

Alligator Weed Biosecurity Zone (Biosecurity Regulation 2017 - Part 5, Division 2)

An owner or occupier of land in the Alligator Weed Biosecurity Zone on which there is the weed.

Alternanthera philoxeroides (alligator weed) must:

  1. if the weed is part of a new infestation of the weed on the land, notify the local control authority for the land as soon as practicable in accordance with Part 6
  2. eradicate the weed or if that is not practicable destroy as much of the weed as is practicable and suppress the spread of any remaining weed.

Mandatory Measure (Division 8, Clause 33, Biosecurity Regulation 2017)

A person must not import into the state or sell.

Regional strategic response:

  • develop a region-wide coordinated campaign for collaborative management;
  • detailed surveillance and mapping to locate all infestations;
  • high level analysis of pathways analysis to identify potential introduction areas and preventative options;
  • implement quarantine and/or hygiene protocols; and
  • monitor progress towards eradication.


Common name Scientific name

Alligator weed

Alternanthera philoxeroides

A biosecurity zone, to be known as the Alligator Weed Biosecurity Zone, is established for all land within the state except land in the following regions:

  1. Greater Sydney,
  2. Hunter (but only in respect of land in the local government area of City of Lake Macquarie, City of Maitland, City of Newcastle or Port Stephens).


Biosecurity Act requirements and strategic response in the region

Bitou Bush Biosecurity Zone (Biosecurity Regulation 2016 - Part 5, Division 3)

An owner or occupier of land in the Bitou Bush Biosecurity Zone on which there is the weed

Chrysanthemoides monilifera subspecies. rotundata (bitou bush) must:

  1. if the weed is part of a new infestation of the weed on the land, notify the local control authority for the land as soon as practicable in accordance with Part 6
  2. eradicate the weed or if that is not practicable destroy as much of the weed as is practicable and suppress the spread of any remaining weed.

Mandatory Measure (Division 8, Clause 33, Biosecurity Regulation 2017)

A person must not import into the state or sell.

Regional strategic response:

Implement Bitou Bush State Strategic Plan


Common name Scientific name

Bitou bush

Chrysanthemoides monilifera subspecies. rotundata
A biosecurity zone, to be known as the Bitou bush Biosecurity Zone, is established for all land within the state except land within 10 kilometres of the mean high water mark of the Pacific Ocean between Cape Byron in the north and Point Perpendicular in the south.


Biosecurity Act requirements and strategic response in the region

Water Hyacinth Biosecurity Zone (Biosecurity Regulation 2017 - Part 5, Division 4)

An owner or occupier of land in the Water Hyacinth Biosecurity Zone on which there is the weed

Eichhornia crassipes (water hyacinth) must:

  1. if the weed is part of a new infestation of the weed on the land, notify the local control authority for the land as soon as practicable in accordance with Part 6
  2. eradicate the weed, or if that is not practicable destroy as much of the weed as is practicable and suppress the spread of any remaining weed.

Mandatory Measure (Division 8, Clause 33, Biosecurity Regulation 2017):

A person must not import into the State or sell.

Regional strategic response:

  • develop a region-wide coordinated campaign for collaborative management
  • identification of key sites/assets in the geographic area
  • species managed in accordance with published weed management plans.


Common name Scientific name

Water hyacinth

Eichhornia crassipes

A biosecurity zone, to be known as the Water Hyacinth Biosecurity Zone, is established for all land within the State except land in the following regions:

  1. Greater Sydney or North Coast
  2. North West (but only land in those regions that is in the local government area of Moree plains)
  3. Hunter (but only land in that region that is in the local government area of City of Cessnock, City of Lake Macquarie, Mid-Coast, City of Maitland, City of Newcastle or Port Stephens)
  4. South East (but only land in that region that is in the local government area of Eurobodalla, Kiama, City of Shellharbour, City of Shoalhaven or City of Wollongong).


State priority weed category – CONTAINMENT AND/OR ASSET PROTECTION

These weeds are widely distributed in some areas of the state. As Weeds of National Significance, their further spread through trade should be minimised to protect priority assets.

Biosecurity Act requirements and strategic response in the region

Mandatory Measure (Division 8, Clause 33, Biosecurity Regulation 2017):

  • A person must not import into the State or sell.


Common names Scientific name
African boxthorn Lycium ferocissimum
Asparagus weeds Asparagus aethiopicus, A. africanus, A. asparagoides including the Western Cape form*, A. densiflorus, A. plumosus, and A. scandens
Athel pine Tamarix aphylla
Bellyache bush Jatropha gossypiifolia
Blackberry Rubus fruticosus spp. agg. (except the varietals Chester Thornless, Dirksen Thornless, Loch Ness, Silvan, Black Satin, Murrindindi, Smooth Stem, Thornfree and Chehalem)
Cape broom Genista monspessulana
Flax-leaf broom G. linifolia
Scotch broom Cystisus scoparius
Cabomba Cabomba caroliniana
Cat’s claw creeper Dolichandra unguis-cati
Chilean needle grass Nassella neesiana
Fireweed Senecio madagascariensis
Gorse Ulex europaeus
Hymenachne Hymenachne amplexicaulis
Lantana Lantana camara
Madeira vine Anredera cordifolia
Mesquite Prosopis spp.
Prickly pears Opuntia spp. (excluding O. ficus-indica), Cylindropuntia spp. and Austrocylindropuntia spp.
Sagittaria Sagittaria platyphylla
Salvinia Salvinia molesta
Serrated tussock Nassella trichotoma
Silver-leaf nightshade Solanum elaeagnifolium
Willows Salix species except S. babylonica, S. X calodendron and S. x reichardtiji (willows except weeping willows, pussy willow and sterile pussy willow)


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