South East Weeds Action Program

This program identifies weed risks at all levels and acts to effectively manage those risks.

Weed action in the Bega valley Shire.The South East Weeds Action Program has been based upon legal and other instruments that relate to weed management in NSW.

  • NSW Biosecurity Act 2015 (and subordinate legislation)
  • NSW Biosecurity Strategy 2013-21
  • NSW Invasive Species Plan 2023-2028
  • State Weed Plans
  • Regional Strategic Weed Management Plans
  • Regional and Local Weed Management Plans

The South East Regional Weeds Action Program (WAP) is an initiative of the NSW Department of Primary Industry that is led by the South East Local Lands Service to support Councils in the region to protect the State from weed invasion in accordance with the NSW Invasive Species Plan.

The program commenced in 2015 and is a five yearly partly funded program that helps identify high risk pathways to ensure the monitoring of new weed incursions. The program also contributes funds for the systematic inspection of all land tenure for new and emerging weed incursions and assists in identifying high risk and priority sites for control of widespread weeds.

The program identifies weed risks at all levels and acts to effectively manage those risks, provided education and awareness programs to increase community capacity to manage weeds and enabled the provision of weed-related information developing and publishing electronic and hard copy information.

  • Pesticide Use Notification Plan:
    The aim of this plan is to meet the community’s general right to know about pesticide applications made to public places that are owned or controlled by Bega Valley Shire Council
  • Registration of Organic farming land and Chemical Sensitivities:
    Council is calling for people who may have chemical sensitivities or who own land that is used for organic or biodynamic farming or producing chemically sensitive produce such as grapes to register on Council’s Chemical Sensitivities / Organic Farming register. All landholders on this registered will be notified of Council's monthly proposed roadside and other weed spray control program. If you have previously registered on this list you do not need to reapply. If you wish to confirm a previous registration or require additional signage please contact the Vegetation Management Team on 6499 2222.
  • Roadside Weed Control
    Proposed roadside and public land weed control programs. The weed program is dependent on weather conditions and contractor availability and may be varied according to weed growth. This program can be found on Council's website under Public Notice.

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