Local Traffic Committee

The Local Traffic Committee considers traffic management and special event proposals on local roads and reports within the Bega Valley Shire.

The Bega Valley Local Traffic Committee (LTC) operates under delegation from Transport for NSW (TfNSW) who are responsible for traffic control on all New South Wales roads (the LTC is not a committee of Council as defined by the Local Government Act 1993). The LTC will consider the technical merit of a proposal and ensure that it complies with legislation, regulatory guidelines and the Australian Road Rules.

Functions of the Bega Valley LTC

The LTC considers traffic management and special event proposals on local roads and makes recommendations, which are reported to the next available Council Meeting. No action can be taken on matters discussed at the LTC until their recommendations have been adopted by Council.

The LTC can consider the following items, under their TfNSW delegated functions:

  • Temporary road closures for some special events and construction projects, such as street parades, fun runs and community celebrations;
  • Regulatory road signs and marking, including parking restrictions;
  • Pedestrian crossings and median and traffic islands;
  • Traffic calming measures, such as speed humps.

Note: TfNSW retains sole responsibility for all speed zones and traffic lights on NSW roads and directly regulates traffic management on all State roads, including highways. The LTC cannot make any decisions or recommendations on these matters.

In these matters and to ensure all correspondence is registered and managed efficiently, click and register your concerns at Speed limits - have your say | Transport for NSW

LTC Meetings and Members

The Bega Valley LTC usually meets once each month, except January. Currently the nominated meeting date is the first Tuesday of each month, but this is subject to change, depending on the availability of committee members.

The LTC is made up of the following formal members:

  • One nominated Bega Valley Shire Councillor or Council officer, who acts as the meeting convenor;
  • The NSW Police representative are from the Traffic and Highway Patrol Command – Traffic South – Bega Highway Patrol;
  • One representative from TfNSW Southern Region;
  • One representative for State Member of Parliament, Member for Bega.

Making a Submission to the LTC

Items for consideration by the LTC must be submitted in writing, at least two weeks prior to the LTC meeting date and addressed to:

Bega Valley Local Traffic Committee
C/- Bega Valley Shire Council
PO Box 492
Bega  NSW  2550

Please note Special events require a specific approvals process and we encourage you to allow plenty of time between the submission and the event date (usually between 3-6 months). No applications will be received after the cut-off date:


You can contact Bega Valley Shire Council Local Traffic Committee Representative on (02) 6499 2222 or at bvltc@begavalley.nsw.gov.au for more information and specific submission deadlines.

Special Events

A special event (in traffic management terms) is any planned activity that is wholly or partly conducted on a road reserve, requires multiple agency involvement, requires special traffic management arrangements, and may involve large numbers of participants and/or spectators. Examples are marathons, fun runs, cycling events, parades, marches and street market days.

Special event organisers will need to demonstrate compliance with a number of requirements. The first step is to make a submission to the Bega Valley Local Traffic Committee (LTC).

Special events require a specific approvals process and we encourage you to allow plenty of time between the submission and the event date (usually between 3-6 months). The submission will be included on the LTC Meeting Agenda and recommendations of the Committee will be reported to the next Council meeting for adoption. Following approval by Council, NSW Police will lodge a Notice of Intention to Hold a Public Assembly with the Commissioner of Police, which can take up to 60 days to process. An overview of the Special Event approval process and timeline is as follows:


A special event submission should include:

  • A cover letter including the contact details for the event organiser, a description of the event, location(s), dates and times;
  • A completed Special Event Transport Management Plan Template;
  • A Traffic Control Plan (if applicable, refer to the Special Events Planning and Resource Matrix)
  • A copy of the current Public Liability Insurance Cover ($20,000,000 minimum);
  • A map of the event; and
  • Any other supporting documentation or relevant correspondence, including letters of support.

Note: If the event will be conducted on public land, such parks, reserves or playgrounds, a Use of Public Land Application may also be required:

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