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Information on management and developing heritage buildings with the Bega Valley Shire.
On this page:
Local government has a range of heritage responsibilities including:
The key statutory matters relating to heritage are outlined in Council’s Local Environmental Plan and include:
Bega Valley Shire Council’s Local Environmental Plan 2013 provides the framework for management of the Shire’s heritage.
The LEP requires owners of listed items to apply to Council before making certain alterations or additions. In assessing development applications involving changes to heritage items, Council tries to achieve a balance between retaining the heritage significance of a place and enabling them to continue to be used as a functional modern home or commercial building.
Work does not require development consent if:
Development consent is required for works such as:
Conservation Areas are areas in which their history and elements such as pattern of subdivision , building style and siting, landscaping and streetscape create a sense of place that is worth preserving.
Within Conservation Areas there is a focus on the protection of the external envelope of buildings, gardens and structures.
Conservation Areas generally recognise that many buildings have heritage value and are expected to be retained, while other buildings are not expected to be retained as they may be of little heritage value.
To check whether your property is located within a Heritage Conservation Area, search Councils Online Maps, apply for a Section 149 Zoning Certificate or contact Councils Strategic Planning Section for advice.
If a development is proposed within the vicinity of a heritage item or Conservation Area, Council will consider whether the proposed development detracts from the importance of the heritage item in the local streetscape or townscape or from the character of a conservation area.
Council defines the vicinity as being within generally a 100m radius from the heritage building or Conservation Area.
The Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Landscape Map was developed by Council, in collaboration with representatives of the local Aboriginal community and Local Aboriginal Land Councils to indicate land in the Bega Valley Shire that has a higher probability of Aboriginal cultural heritage values.
The map was devised for a number of purposes including improving the information available to help landowners, Council staff and other government agencies meet legislative requirements regarding Aboriginal cultural heritage, increasing local awareness of Aboriginal cultural heritage values, and improving the protection of land with cultural significance to local Aboriginal people.
The Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Landscape Map indicates areas which have a high probability of Aboriginal cultural heritage values, this includes land within:
Council’s Development Control Plan contains detailed guidance on considerations for and levels of assessment of Aboriginal cultural heritage for development applications, including how publicly available sources of information, such as the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Landscape Map, can be used in the assessments carried out in accordance with the Due Diligence Code of Practice for the Protection of Aboriginal Objects in New South Wales 2010.
For ease of viewing, the map has been divided into sections which cover the Shire:
If you find or believe you have found an Aboriginal object, leave it where it is and report the object and its location to Heritage NSW by emailing
Even if you believe the object is in danger of being damaged or harmed, it is very important to leave it alone and report it immediately. You may be committing an offence if you handle or move the object. The National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 calls for the location of Aboriginal objects to be reported regardless of whether they are on public or private land.
If you’re unsure what information or relevant details should be included when reporting an Aboriginal object, please contact Heritage NSW at or by calling 02 9585 6345.
If you mistakenly take an Aboriginal object, or find yourself in possession of one, please return it to your local Heritage NSW office or phone Environment Line: 131 555 for further information about how to return the object to its rightful owners as soon as possible.
Council provides the services of a heritage advisor who can assist with heritage related matters. This service is generally free to owners of heritage-listed properties however fees may apply in some cases. Generally Council’s Heritage Advisor visits the Shire once a month.
Appointments must be booked in advance by calling Councils Strategic Planning section on 6499 2222.
Zingel Place
PO Box 492
Bega NSW 2550
Monday to Friday 9.00AM to 4.30PM
Administration building Zingel Place Bega
ABN: 26 987 935 332