Council water and sewer system connections explained

Are you building or renovating a house, or connecting to our water or sewer systems for the first time? Here's what you need to know.

Are you building or renovating a house, or connecting to our water or sewer systems for the first time? Here’s what you need to know!

building inspection.

Financial contributions

Section 64 of the Local Government Act (1993) allows councils to charge financial contributions or require construction work from developers to help cover the cost of water and sewer systems.

When you might need to pay

  • Building a new house on land that hasn't paid contributions before.
  • Expanding a house, increasing water/sewer usage.
  • Connecting an existing house to a new system.

Minimum requirement

  • At least 1 ET (Equivalent Tenement) credit for water and sewer contributions must be paid before construction starts.
  • To check if contributions have been paid for your property, email

Charges for a standard dwelling

  • 1 ET = a house with up to 6 rooms (potential bedrooms) and one kitchen. Other developments are charged at 0.25 ET per bedroom.


1. Proposed development of a new house

  • 4 bedrooms, a study, a kitchen, and a games room with a wet bar: considered 5 bedrooms because the study could double as a bedroom and the wet bar in the games room counts as a second kitchen. Requires 1.25 ET. 1 ET has already been paid, therefore 0.25 ET is due.

2. Dual occupancy

  • Two dual occupancy houses with 3 bedrooms each, one has a media room that could double as a bedroom: No previous contributions paid, therefore 1.75 ET due (7 rooms x 0.25 ET).

Upfront costs

  • Property owners pay for all connection-related costs, including plans, easements, and construction.

System extensions

  • This may be possible if the system is located near suitable Council-owned infrastructure that can handle additional connections.
  • Extensions are built and paid for by the property owner.
  • Council checks for compliance during construction.

Payment timing

  • System extension fees must be paid before water meter or sewer connection approval, and contributions must be paid before construction starts.

No refunds

Once paid, Section 64 charges are non-refundable.

Ready to connect?

Connecting to our water or sewerage systems happens in two stages:

  1. Development Proposal: Submit a proposal if you plan to connect to water or sewer systems later
  2. Connection Application: Apply to connect once your development is constructed. This connection has a fee attached.

Only Council staff or approved contractors can handle physical connections to Council-owned systems.

For water, use the Water Connection Application form.

For sewer, use the Sewer Connection or Alteration to Private Plumbing form or Sewer Junction Cut-in Application.

For more detail, read our development contributions webpage and specific plans:

Extra information can also be found on our procedure 4.07.01 – Connecting to our water or sewer network, or contact us directly on (02) 6499 2222.

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