Construction Certificate

A construction Certificate certifies that your chosen design and construction materials comply with the Building Code of Australia and associated standards and codes, and the development is consistent with your Development Application.

Delays in Development Application assessment times

We are currently experiencing delays in Development Application (DA) assessment times. We thank you for your patience.

Find out more about the delays and how to help us reduce them.


Before you start any building or construction work, you’ll need to apply for a construction certificate, also know as a CC.

A Construction Certificate verifies that relevant matters specified in the development consent and applicable legislation has been satisfied. Construction Certificates are valid for the life of the development consent.

A Construction Certificate is authorisation to start building.

Council will assess your Construction Certificate application to ensure it: 

  • Adheres to the Building Code of Australia
  • Is consistent with the plans and conditions approved under the development consent
  • Meets BASIX commitments
  • Complies with relevant bushfire provisions
  • Complies with other Construction Certificate submission requirements

All development, unless it’s exempt or complying development, will require a Construction Certificate. This includes building, engineering and earthworks. A Construction Certificate application contains detailed plans and specifications and must be consistent with the development consent. A Construction Certificate is required after development consent is issued and before work is carried out.

After reading your development consent you may find you need to submit documents with your construction certificate application. These documents may include:

  • Home Owners Warranty – Owner/Builder Permit
  • Architectural Plans & elevations (submitted at DA stage?)
  • Engineering details
  • Structural specifications
  • Schedule of building materials
  • Shadow diagrams
  • Payment of contributions fees
  • Principal Certifying Authority (PCA) contract agreement.

Long Service Levy

A Long Service Levy is required where the value of the building or subdivision works is $250,000 or more.  The Levy is calculated at 0.25% of the value of works, for example, if the value of works is $350,000, then a $875.00 levy is payable to the Long Service Corporation. Applicants need to pay the Long Service Levy directly to Long Service Corporation through their portal, visit

After accessing the Long Service Corporation Portal:

  • click on Levy Calculator (to the right hand side of the screen), type in the cost of building/construction works, then the levy amount will be calculated for you
  • click on Pay Now - you will be asked to Log into Service NSW.  If you don’t have a log in, then you will need to create an account.

After paying the Long Service Levy, Council or your Certifier will need a copy of the receipt of payment.  For Council, you will need to upload a copy of the receipt document to the NSW Planning Portal with your Construction Certificate Application or your Complying Development Certificate Application.

If you need more information please contact the Levy support team on 13 14 41

How to apply for your Construction Certificate



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