Children's services

Child care centres and preschool facilities operated by the Bega Valley Shire Council.

Image of children playing.

Individual service details and contacts

For all enrolment enquiries please call the relevant service (listed below) or email

Bandara Children's Services (Bega)

Monday to Friday
7.45am to 5.45pm

52-56 Rawlinson Street Bega

Nominated Supervisor: Kristy Whitney
Ph: 6492 4360

  • Long day care and preschool programs for children 0 to 5 yearss
  • After school care for 6-12 year olds
  • Meals provided
  • ACECQA rating: Meeting National Quality Standards
  • Bandara offers both State-supported and Commonwealth-supported preschool programs to children aged 3-5 years under separate funding arrangements.
  • Commonwealth-supported preschool has no restrictions on how many children can attend, how many days a child is enrolled per week, and when the child can get dropped off or picked up.
  • From 2018, children enrolled in State-supported preschool must attend a two-day session. State-supported preschool will operate between 8am and 3.30pm, and only during school terms. State-supported places will be strictly limited.


Eden Early Learning Centre (Long Day Care and Preschool)

Monday to Friday
Long Day Care: 7.30am to 5.30pm
Preschool: 8.00am to 3.30pm

2A Bimmil Street, Eden

Nominated Supervisor: Julie McDonald
Ph: 6496 1660

  • Early childhood education programs available for children aged 0 to 5 years
  • ACECQA rating: Exceeding National Quality Standard
  • Meals provided

Eden Early Learning Centre offers both State-supported and Commonwealth-supported preschool programs to children aged 3-5 years under separate funding arrangements.

  • Commonwealth-supported preschool has no restrictions on how many days a child is enrolled per week, and when the child can get dropped off or picked up during the Centre’s operating hours.
  • Children enrolled in State-supported preschool must attend a two-day session. State-supported preschool operates between 8.00am and 3.30pm, and only during school terms. State-supported places will be strictly limited.
  • Both Commonwealth-supported preschool and State-supported preschool places at Eden Early Learning Centre deliver the same preschool educational program.


Sapphire Mobile Preschool

Monday to Thursday: Candelo Sports Centre - 9am to 3pm

Fridays: Bemboka Community Hall - 9am to 3pm

Nominated Supervisor: Sarah Brownlie
Ph: 0428 871 159

  • Early childhood education programs available for children aged 3 to 5 years
  • ACECQA rating: Meeting National Quality Standards
  • State-supported preschool that offers flexible days of attendance which allows care to be offered over the 3 days

Image of a child cooking.

Additional information:

  • Quality services rated against National Quality Standards
  • Highly experienced and qualified staff
  • Disability Inclusion Programs and support packages available
  • Aboriginal cultural programs
  • Transition to school programs
  • Centres are University of Wollongong ‘Early Start Engagement Centres’

Enrolment and Orientation

Prior to formal enrolment you are welcome to visit any of our services with your child. We appreciate a call  in advance to ensure that the Nominated Supervisor is present at the service to meet you and your child. Whilst at the service you will be able to ask questions,  meet some of the educators who will work with your children and have a look at our classrooms and outdoor environments.

To secure a place for your child you will need to complete a enrolment from (please see link below for each service). Your child will then be placed on a list . Vacancies are offered following our Priority of Access guidelines. Once a place is available for your child the Administration Officer will contact you and make an offer of placement.

Cancellation of care or change of booking

If you wish to make changes to your bookings or cancel care for your child, please contact the relevant service, or email

Related information

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