Overgrown land/properties

If I consider a property to be overgrown, unsafe, unhealthy how do I report to?

Overgrown land can be unsafe or unhealthy and may harbour or encourage mice, rats and snakes.

Not all residents have the desire to keep properties in a ‘park like’ condition and this should be taken into consideration before a complaint is lodged with Council. Many properties may be considered to be untidy, but untidy does not necessarily mean that the property is in an unsafe or unhealthy condition and in need of Council intervention.

Council encourages residents to try to solve the problem amicably by talking to the property owner or manager if known. Often people are unaware that their activity or lack of property maintenance is causing a problem and are usually happy to address the problem after being notified.

If this does not resolve the problem you can report it to Council using the following form.

Notification form

Note: If you consider it to be a fire hazard please contact the Rural Fire Service.

How Council will respond to complaints

  1. Information about overgrown property is received by Council.
  1. Council will write a letter to the owner of the property requesting they mow/clear the overgrown property - the owner is given 28 days to comply with the request.
  1. If no response is received or the property has not been cleared/mowed, Council may issue a "Notice of Intention to Give Order" regarding the overgrown property.
    Note: Council must give the owner 28 days to comply with this request.
  1. If no response is received or the property has not been cleared/mowed, Council may then issue an "Order" to comply regarding the overgrown property.
    Note: Council must give the owner a further 28 days to comply with this request.
This process can take up to 4 months or more before a final outcome is achieved and the property is successfully cleared or mowed.


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