All About Grants information session on Council’s grants program

Council is running an information session – All About Grants - on sourcing and applying for funding under its Community Grants Program, which opens in February and runs through to 31 March.

Artificial hollow boxes workshop.

Dignams Creek artificial hollows for nesting project

24 January 2023

Bega Valley Shire Council is running an information session – All About Grants - on sourcing and applying for funding under its Community Grants Program, which opens in February and runs through to 31 March.

Council’s Corporate Planning and Improvement Manager, Kaliegh Smerdon said Council recently made changes to the timing of the multiple grants we deliver, to improve the management of the grants process and allow community groups to plan their projects within a clear timeframe.

“This change is an addition to the improvements we’ve made over the past couple of years, including establishing a Funding Finder on our website and regular training sessions on how to use this platform,” Ms Smerdon said.

“Previously, our 10 independent community grants and a selection of one-off grants opened at different times of the year, making it difficult for community groups to plan projects and keep track of submission deadlines.

“This year all grants have been streamlined, with one opening and closing date, creating a 12-month cycle of administrative activities.

“The categories of grants on offer will not change; our various streams are still available to support a range of different projects.”

All About Grants will be held on Thursday 9 February from 10am to 11.30am at the Bega Valley Commemorative Civic Centre, Bega.

“Our grants officers will explain Council’s new grants process and provide some helpful hints and tips on applying for our grants,” Ms Smerdon said.

“The grants we will focus on include ClubGRANTS, Small Heritage Assistance, Community Environment, Waste Wise Events, Community Waste Minimisation and Mumbulla Community Foundation scholarships.

“We encourage members of the shire’s community groups to register for this valuable information session before our grants process begins next month.”

More information on Council’s Community Grants Program is available on our grants webpage, which also includes a notification register for upcoming grants.

Registration to the session is via Council’s website.

Register Now


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