EOI for community groups to participate in Volunteer Expo

Council is calling for community and charity organisations to submit an Expression of Interest to participate in the Many Hands Volunteer Expo in Bega on 8 September.

Disaster Relief Australia volunteers helping Cobargo Green Recovery volunteers.

Disaster Relief Australia volunteers helping Cobargo Green Recovery volunteers

7 July 2023

Bega Valley Shire Council is calling for community and charity organisations to submit an Expression of Interest to participate in the Many Hands Volunteer Expo in Bega on 8 September.

Community and Cultural Services Manager, Anne Cleverley said the expo will provide a platform for organisations to showcase their programs, services and activities.

“Through the Many Hands Volunteer Expo, we will highlight the valuable contribution that volunteers make to our community and hopefully help boost volunteer numbers across the shire,” Ms Cleverley said.

“Too many of our local community and charity groups are dealing with falling rates of volunteering.

“Many continue to feel the impacts of the pandemic, when volunteer numbers fell dramatically.”

Ms Cleverley said there are no doubt plenty of individuals seeking meaningful volunteer opportunities and wanting to make a difference.

“Our expo will provide an excellent opportunity to increase your organisation's visibility and create awareness about the valuable work you do,” Ms Cleverley said.

“And by showcasing your volunteer opportunities, you can attract new members who align with your vision and passion and are eager to contribute their time and skills.

“We’ll be able to cater for 40 stalls at the Bega Valley Commemorative Civic Centre so it’s important local organisations and groups get their Expression of Interest in by Sunday 30 July.

“We’ll also be hosting a volunteer breakfast prior to the expo opening and during the expo there will be performances, interactive activities and demonstrations.”

The Many Hands Volunteer Expo is a joint project with the Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal, under the Investing in Rural Community Futures program. The need to create a stronger base of volunteers was identified as a key way to help build the capacity of the not-for-profit and community sector in the shire.

For further questions or to submit an expression of interest please contact Community Development Project Officer, Leah Szanto on 0468 630 755.

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