Kiah and Wandella hall conceptual designs open for comment

MEDIA RELEASE 2022 - Initial concept designs for the rebuild of the Kiah and Wandella community halls, which were destroyed in the Black Summer bushfires, are now available for community feedback.

Kiah and Wandella Community Hall proposed concept designs.
Kiah and Wandella Community Hall proposed concept designs.

1 March 2022

Initial concept designs for the rebuild of the Kiah and Wandella community halls, which were destroyed in the Black Summer bushfires, are now available for community feedback.

Following a consultation process with the local community last year, three architects were engaged to develop an initial concept for each hall.

Council’s Infrastructure and Services Manager, Gemma Gill said the process has been designed to ensure the hall rebuilds meet the needs of each local community now and into the future and fit within the requirements of the funding agreements.

“Each community has been heavily involved in the process, from helping us determine how their hall needs to function to the detail we included in the design brief and now to the initial design concepts,” Ms Gill said.

“A key focus of the design brief was the communities’ desire to pay tribute to the past and honour the historical importance of each hall, while also looking to the future and ensuring the new halls are resilient and will meet the needs of generations to come.

“The architects presented their initial concepts at community meetings last week and they’re now available on our website for broader community feedback.

“There’s a short survey on our Have Your Say webpages where you can tell us which concept you prefer, or you can email or post your feedback to Council.

“The Cobargo General Store and the Eden Library also have copies of the initial concept designs on display, along with printed copies of the surveys which you can post back to Council or for Kiah residents, drop off at the Kiah Store.

“Once we have all the feedback, we’ll compile a report for Council which will also include feedback from residents and local community groups who attended the face-to-face community engagement sessions.

“If you live in Kiah, Wandella or the surrounding areas, we’d love to get your feedback on the initial concepts to ensure each hall is rebuilt in the way the community needs.”

To have your say, complete the short Wandella Hall survey or Kiah Hall survey on Council’s website, email or post to PO Box 492, Bega NSW 2550.

The architects engaged to develop the initial concept designs are Complete Urban, Facility Design Group and Stone Three Design.

Feedback on the initial concepts close at 11.45pm on Monday 21 March.

The community hall rebuilds are funded under the Bushfire Local Economic Recovery Fund and a Council contribution.

More information about the rebuilds is available at:

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