Eden Exercise Stations Fitness Trail

Eden Imlay Memorial Park includes a large exercise station and playground, as well as the Eden War Memorial. There are also three smaller exercise stations along Aslings Beach Road.

Eden Exercise station.

Eden Imlay Memorial Park includes a large exercise station and playground, as well as the Eden War Memorial. There are also three smaller exercise stations along Aslings Beach Road.


Eden Imlay Memorial Park, Calle Calle Street, Eden

Aslings Beach Road, Eden


Facility Snapshot


  • Street parking on Calle Calle Street and Aslings Beach Road

Park furniture

  • Seating
  • Picnic table
  • Water bubblers along fitness trail

Exercise Equipment

  • Imlay Memorial Park: Includes balance beam, cycle/body pulls, leg press/stretch/leg raisers, mobility wheel/elliptical, chest and parallel bars
  • Aslings Beach Road Station 1: Pull downs and aerobic cycle
  • Aslings Beach Road Station 2: Two step up units
  • Aslings Beach Road Station 3: Dexterity builder and body twist

Exercise station surface

  • Softfall rubber


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