Have Your Say - Cuttagee Bridge renewal

Cuttagee Bridge is nearing the end of its functional life and planning is underway to determine its future design and configuration.

Project Background

Cuttagee Bridge is nearing the end of its functional life and is now subject to weight restrictions due to the deteriorating condition of its ageing timbers. It is in danger of a potentially serious structural failure unless remedial action is taken. Council is now in a position where it needs to make difficult decisions about how to manage this bridge into the future.

Council has a duty to ensure the assets it provides and manages are safe, secure and fit for purpose. This includes Cuttagee Bridge, which is situated on a regional road that Council manages on behalf of the NSW Government. Any decisions about the future of Cuttagee Bridge will need to balance the upfront and ongoing cost and funding sources against a number of competing principles such as risk and safety, durability, economics, heritage and tourism values, and environmental issues.

Council has been provided $15 million under the Regional Roads Program administered by Transport for NSW for the delivery of the Cuttagee Bridge project. Council is currently seeking to engage a bridge design consultant to develop the concept designs for the project.  The scope of the concept design options are outlined below:

  1. A single-lane hybrid structure with decorative timber, attached shared pathway and handrails
  2. A two-lane hybrid structure with decorative timber, attached shared pathway and handrails
  3. A two-lane concrete structure with attached shared pathway and handrails

Bega Valley Shire Council has engaged the services of GHD, a leading engineering and consulting firm, to partner with Council in delivering the Cuttagee Bridge Renewal project. An essential component of their work will be undertaking and delivering stakeholder engagement and consultation activities. GHD will bring their expertise in community engagement and infrastructure projects to ensure a comprehensive and inclusive consultation process regarding the three design options agreed between Transport for New South Wales and Bega Valley Council.

Have Your Say - take our survey

The survey aims to gather community feedback on various aspects of the bridge replacement project, including design, construction, and road closures. This feedback will help Council and the project team understand the community's needs and concerns, ensuring that the new bridge meets the needs and expectations of the residents and users.
The survey takes about 10 minutes to complete and asks questions about the following topics:

  • Bridge usage;
  • Road closures;
  • Community events;
  • Bridge design; and
  • Historical and aesthetic characteristics.

The survey responses will be used by the bridge design consultant in their development of the three concept design options. Once the concept design options are developed, the three options will be presented to the community and put on public exhibition for further consultation. The public exhibition will help Council select the Preferred Option to progress to the detailed design phase.  

Insights from this survey will also be used to help inform the construction staging methodology and how to limit disruption to the community during the construction phase.
Construction is anticipated to commence in September 2026.

Take our Survey


Who's listening

Cuttagee Bridge Renewal Project Team





Please submit your feedback by: Midnight Wednesday 30 April 2025


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