Use your free waste vouchers before they expire: fresh batch coming in August

Bega Valley Shire residents looking to declutter their homes will be happy to know a new set of free waste vouchers will be available in August.

waste voucher.

Use your free waste vouchers before they expire at the end of July.

14 June 2024

Bega Valley Shire residents looking to declutter their homes will be happy to know a new set of free waste vouchers will be available in August.

The vouchers, issued twice a year in August and December, provide residents with a convenient and responsible way to dispose of their household waste at any of the shire’s waste and recycling centres.

To avoid waiting in queues Council’s Waste Services team advises redeeming current waste vouchers before they expire at the end of July.

For those already registered, two new waste vouchers will automatically appear on the free Bega Valley Waste App. For those who have previously requested printed vouchers, these will be posted.

Residents who have not yet registered are encouraged to download the app for easy access to vouchers and additional information on their use.

Tenants in rental properties can request a screenshot of the free waste vouchers from the property owner.

Each waste voucher entitles the holder to drop off:

  • General waste (up to 0.5 cubic metres)
  • Garden waste (up to 1 cubic metre)
  • One innerspring mattress.

Or pick up:

  • 1 cubic metre of compost or mulch available at Eden, Merimbula, Wallagoot, and Bermagui waste and recycling centres (subject to availability).

For more information about free waste vouchers, visit Council’s website.

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