Community invited to motorcycle safety workshop in June

Bega Valley Shire Council and the NSW Survive the Ride Association are holding a free ‘South Coast Survive the Ride’ motorcycle safety workshop at the Merimbula RSL from 11am to 1.30pm on Saturday 15 June.

survive the ride.

24 May 2024

Bega Valley Shire Council and the NSW Survive the Ride Association are holding a free ‘South Coast Survive the Ride’ motorcycle safety workshop at the Merimbula RSL from 11am to 1.30pm on Saturday 15 June.

“This is a chance for local motorcyclists and other road users to learn more about how we can each play a role in making riding in the Bega Valley and surrounds a safer activity for all,” Council’s Road Safety Officer, Mandy Gillies said.

“According to the New South Wales Centre for Road Safety, between 2018 and 2022, in the Bega Valley Shire, there were 334 crashes with 432 casualties, sadly resulting in 11 deaths.”

“In this same period, Bega Valley Shire motorcycle crashes accounted for 18.2% (61) of all crash types. Of these, 90% were male riders and 26.2% were aged between 50-59 years. 

“Of all crashes (5,886) on South Coast roads, motorcycle crashes represent 11.5%.

“The Survive the Ride Association of NSW is part of a social movement working to encourage motorcyclists to enjoy themselves without injury for as long as they choose.”

The workshop will be presented by David Tynan, a motorcyclist and committee member of the NSW Survive the Ride Association, and it will focus on:

  • Key decisions for managing common challenges for motorcyclists such as cornering, riding in groups/traffic and staying alert.
  • The various elements of riding posture for each type of bike – cruisers, sports, scooters, etc.
  • Reducing personal risks, acknowledging the little mistakes and making a plan to avoid them in the future.

Participants will receive a free hi-vis vest, Centre for Road Safety educational material and light refreshments.

To register for our Merimbula workshop, visit the Survive the Ride webpage.

To learn about the NSW Survive the Ride Association, visit their website.

This event is funded by the Transport for NSW.

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