Information about Council's regular services and programs.
Information about Council's community initiatives and support.
Information about doing business and investing in the shire.
Information about Building and Development in the Bega Valley Shire.
Information about how Council operates.
Owners of properties with a connection to a Council sewerage system are required to pay sewerage charges and fees. Sewerage charge and fee income is required to pay for operating expenses, infrastructure maintenance, renewal and new infrastructure expenses, principle and interest on loans. General rates income is not used for sewerage services.
Owners of properties with a connection to one of our sewerage systems are required to pay sewerage charges and fees. Sewerage charge and fee income is required to pay for:
General rates income is not used for sewerage services.
The residential sewerage charge is a flat charge per year for all residential properties, strata title units and non-strata title units. This flat charge is known as the base access charge. The current base access charge adopted by Council is shown on our Water and Sewerage Charges page.
There are two recurrent non-residential sewerage charges, an annual Sewer Access Charge billed at the same time as the annual rates notice and a quarterly Sewer Usage Charge. These charges are levied in accordance with the recommended pricing methodology of the NSW State Government.
The non-residential Sewer Access Charge is calculated by the formula:
The non-residential Sewer Usage Charge is calculated by the formula:
The current base access charge, SDF’s, volume factors and usage charge rate is adopted by Council each year. These rates can be viewed on our Water and Sewerage Charges page.
Section 64 Developer Contributions are one-off charges levied on developers to recover part of the capital cost incurred in providing infrastructure to a new development. The Developer Contribution is levied in accordance with the recommended pricing methodology of the NSW State Government. The Developer Contribution adopted by Council for a new dwelling is shown in our Fees and Charges.
Liquid trade waste (LTW) is any liquid waste produced and discharged to sewer from a business other than toilet, hand basin and shower/bath liquid wastes. Council levies charges and fees for LTW for the administration, monitoring, transporting, treating and disposal of LTW and to eliminate cross subsidies from residential and non LTW customers for LTW related costs. LTW charges and fees are levied in accordance with the recommended pricing methodology of the NSW State Government.
LTW charges and fees include:
The current LTW charges and fees adopted by Council are shown on our Water and Sewerage Charges page.
Water prices are carefully regulated in NSW. Each year Council reviews its water pricing in accordance with NSW Government Best Practice Management of Water Supply and Sewerage Guidelines. A key aspect of the Guidelines is long term financial sustainability and price certainty for customers.
Zingel Place
PO Box 492
Bega NSW 2550
Monday to Friday 9.00AM to 4.30PM
Administration building Zingel Place Bega
ABN: 26 987 935 332