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Bega Valley Shire Council and the New South Wales Land and Housing Corporation (LAHC) have finalised the sale of Narira Village Complex in Cobargo to managing agent Southern Cross Community Housing (SCCH).
Bega Valley Shire Council and the New South Wales Land and Housing Corporation (LAHC) have finalised the sale of Narira Village Complex in Cobargo to managing agent Southern Cross Community Housing (SCCH).
Mayor Russell Fitzpatrick said the sale of the complex, which consists of ten dwellings used as affordable housing, was a positive outcome for the community and would now pave the way for investment in more community housing in the shire.
“Not only does the completion of the sale mean the facility will continue to operate for the benefit of the community as community housing, but it also allows Council to move forward with our commitment to reinvest the sale proceeds into new community housing stock in the shire.
Mayor Fitzpatrick said that, as part of the sale agreement, Southern Cross Community Housing will use the sale proceeds and all interest earned for affordable housing in the Bega Valley shire.
“Council has a partnership with both Southern Cross Housing and the Department of Communities and Justice to develop more community housing in the shire. The sale means we now have the funding needed to begin delivering on this commitment.
“Southern Cross Community Housing is the only accredited community housing provider in the Bega Valley shire and is looking at a substantial development in the Bega area which these funds are proposed to go towards.
“Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) has agreed to provide technical expertise to Council and SCCH, subject to SCCH meeting and continuing to meet its obligations under the Housing Act, the Act, the National Law and this Community Housing Assistance Agreement. DCJ is playing a facilitative role, which provides comfort to Council that the project can be delivered and provide long term community housing benefits.
Mayor Fitzpatrick said having strong, collaborative relationships with both Southern Cross Community Housing and the Department of Communities and Justice is critical to making progress on increasing social and community housing.
“Our Affordable Housing Implementation Group met for the first time in October. Southern Cross Community Housing is a member of the group, and as an established and reputable social and affordable housing provider is an important contributor to the implementation of the Affordable Housing Strategy.”
The Affordable Housing Strategy contains 27 short, medium and long term strategies for Council and key stakeholders to support housing development and address the affordable housing crisis in the shire. Strategies include planning changes, advocacy, brokerage and the direct creation of affordable housing.
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Bega NSW 2550
Monday to Friday 9.00AM to 4.30PM
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