Watergums Creek Bridge replacement complete

Wonboyn residents are benefitting from improved access, safety and resilience following the completion of the new Watergums Creek Bridge.

Watergums Creek Bridge opening.

18 February 2025

Wonboyn residents are benefitting from improved access, safety and resilience following the completion of the new Watergums Creek Bridge.

Three levels of government have worked together to fund and deliver this key piece of infrastructure for the Wonboyn community.

The Australian Government has contributed $1.24 million towards this project under its Safer Local Roads and Infrastructure Program, while the NSW Government contributed $1 million, and the Bega Valley Shire Council delivered the project.

The new reinforced concrete structure, with a 100-year design life, will be able to withstand bushfires and will be more flood resilient thanks to its significant additional height.

The new bridge has been designed to withstand the Wonboyn River and Watergums Creek flood conditions, ensuring the Wonboyn community has access to key transport links.

The new bridge:

  • replaces the existing timber bridge with a reinforced concrete structure, resilient to bushfire threats and designed to withstand greater flood forces and debris loading.
  • includes a deck 3m higher than the previous bridge.
  • includes a deck above the estimated 1% annual flood event (100-year flood event). The previous bridge was below the 20% AEP flood height.
  • has a greater resilience to natural disasters.

Quotes attributable to the Member for Eden-Monaro, Kristy McBain MP:

“The new bridge has already been put to the test during the recent flooding event – and pleasingly it passed with flying colours.

“It’s not acceptable to see the community of Wonboyn cut off for considerable periods of time, and I know this new bridge will be a huge benefit to the community for decades to come.

“Congratulations to the community on its advocacy for a new bridge – I’m proud to have backed you in and delivered this project.”

Quotes attributable to Member for Bega, Dr Michael Holland MP:

“I’m pleased that the NSW Government has contributed to this essential project for the Wonboyn community.

“Access to reliable transportation is a key determinant of health – it not only ensures the safety and connectivity of our communities but also provides access to critical essential services.

“I want to express my gratitude to the Wonboyn community for their patience as this project has come to completion.”

Quotes attributable to Bega Valley Shire Council Mayor, Russell Fitzpatrick:

“The opening of the new Watergums Creek Bridge marks the end of years of uncertainty for the Wonboyn community, ensuring a safer, more reliable connection to the Princes Highway.

“For too long heavy rain meant isolation—cutting off families, businesses and emergency services. Thanks to this joint investment to improve vital infrastructure, that all changes.

“The completion of this project stands as a testament to what can be achieved when all levels of government work together with the community’s needs at heart.

“Today cannot pass without acknowledging the resilience of Wonboyn residents who understand better than anyone that this bridge is a lifeline, a promise their community will stay connected, no matter what.”

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