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If you are involved in a local community group with a passion for reducing valuable resources going to landfill, now is your chance to get active.
27 October 2022
If you are involved in a local community group with a passion for reducing valuable resources going to landfill, now is your chance to get active.
Bega Valley Shire Council’s Community Waste Minimisation Program grants are now open, with up to $5,000 available for waste education programs and projects that give resources a second life.
Waste Strategy Coordinator, Timothy Cook said the grants, which close on 21 November, have been put to great use by previous recipients.
“We love seeing innovation and great waste-minimising ideas coming from local community groups,” Mr Cook said.
“These grants are available to community groups, charitable and not-for-profit organisations in the shire and we invite any group with a passion for waste reduction, to apply.
“In 2019-20 we saw grants awarded to organisations like the Bega Repair Café for its fantastic service that breathes new life into old appliances and keeps them away from landfill.
“The Repair Café needed training and equipment to provide its service and a $5,000 grant helped achieve this.
“Similarly, Tathra Children’s Services received funding for development of its wonderful Compost Education Hub which promotes key FOGO messages and shows how easy it is to keep food waste away from landfill.
“If you have a community solution to reuse, recycle or avoid waste in the first place, apply now through the grants page on our website.”
Mr Cook said Council waste grants haven proven to be a successful strategy in communicating waste minimisation to the community.
“Recently Council awarded more than $16,500 to local organisations wanting to implement smart waste reduction methods at local events,” Mr Cook said.
“Our Waste Wise Event Grants went to organisations like the Yuin Folk Club for its inspiring efforts to see minimal waste going to landfill from the Cobargo Folk Festival.
“Inspiration also comes in much smaller packages, with our popular Small Waste Grants that offer up to $500 for local organisations wanting to clean-up public areas.
“Applications for Small Waste Grants are also open and they are a great way to clean-up our beautiful environment while connecting with other like-minded people.”
To apply and for more information on the full range of waste grants, visit Council’s website.
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