Water Fill Stations

Water Fill Stations can be accessed by the community and visitors for drinking water.

The Bega Valley Water Fill Stations are sites where the community and visitors to the area may access quality drinking water. The Stations have been jointly funded by Council and the NSW Department of Industry - Water.

Water Fill Station Locations

Water fill statin access point.We have seven Water Fill Stations at the following locations:

  • South Pambula: Redfern Close (D)
  • Bermagui: Fill Station is at the intersection of Cobargo-Bermagui Road and Wallaga Lake Road, approximately 5km north of Bermagui. (D)
  • Cobargo-Quaama: Fill Station is on Glisson-Watson Road just off Princes Highway, south of Cobargo (D)
  • Bega: Fill Station is adjacent to the Caltex Service Station near Bega Cheese on Lagoon Street, North Bega. (D,F)
  • Tathra: Fill Station is adjacent to the Rural Fire Service shed on Bega Street Tathra (D,F)
  • Bemboka: Fill Station is opposite the Bushfire Shed on the intersection of Betts Street and Kameruka Street, Bemboka. (D)
  • Candelo: Fill Station is behind the Town Hall on Eden Street, Candelo. (D)
  • Merimbula: Fill Station is on the Princes Highway, 2km north of Merimbula and 1km east of the Merimbula Bypass. (D)
  • Eden: Fill Station is off the Princes Highway on the eastern end of Barclay Street, adjacent the Eden Cemetery. (D)

Water Access and Fees

Water fill station access valve location.Water fill station depense button location.Drinking water is available from the Fill Stations in two ways:

  1. Small volumes at no cost for campers, caravans and recreational vehicles. This outlet will dispense 200 litres in about six minutes via a standard garden hose connection.

  2. Large volumes, which are currently charged at a rate of $3.53 per thousand litres for the 2023/24 financial year and will be invoiced seperately. This water is dispensed via a high flow, 75mm (3”) outlet. This outlet typically dispenses 1000 litres in less than five minutes.

Operating Instructions

To access water from the free (low flow rate) outlet:

  1. Simply click a standard 12mm garden fitting and hose on to the hose adapter on the unit.

  2. Press the silver button adjacent to the brass hose outlet and water will begin to dispense immediately, up to a maximum volume of 200 litres. If more water is required, press the button a second time. To stop the water flow, press the same silver button and the flow will cease immediately.

To access water from the paid (high flow rate) outlet:

Water fill station access key.

  1. Obtain an i-Button key and access key from our Customer Service team at the front desk of the Bega Valley Shire Council office in Zingel Place, Bega or by calling (02) 6499 2222. The office is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 4.30pm. A bond of $24.50 (2023/24 Fees & Charges) is required per access key issued. Customer Service staff will request that you nominate a fill limit per transaction, up to a maximum of 10,000 litres and water charges will be billed to the nominated key holder's address quarterly. Please fill out the Public water fill station registration form and take with you to the office.
  2. Attach a suitable combination of hose and connectors to the 75mm (3”) Camlock fitting, on the lefthand side of the station. Ensure your hose is securely attached to both the Water Fill Station outlet and your receiving tank.
  3. Open the control box at the top of the station with your Water Fill Station access key.
  4. Water fill station access point.Place your i-Button over the i-Button reader.
  5. When confident all hoses are secure, press the Start button. The unit will then dispense water through the high rate outlet up to your nominated transaction limit, or otherwise 10,000 litres.
  6. To stop water flow, press the Stop button and the flow will cease after a few seconds. To dispense water again, close the control box at the top of the station, reopen and repeat transaction steps from Step 2 above.

Water Fill Station Etiquette

We have provided a low flow outlet so that tourists may have ready access to safe drinking water at no cost while visiting the Bega Valley Shire. It is expected that the maximum volume per customer is likely to be less than 200 litres, with a fill time of less than six minutes per user.

The high rate, paid outlet has been provided for customers wishing to fill volumes greater than 200 litres. This includes users of 1,000 litre IBCs, Water Cart operators and the like.

Please do not tie up the station, attempting to draw free water for a volume greater than 200 litres. Instead, obtain an i-Button and access key from us and make use of the high rate outlet. It will save you time and also reduce the waiting time for other users.

Note that i-Button (account) holders take precedence over the free outlet users. This means that the unit will cease to dispense free water where a paying user swipes their i-Button over the reader.

We ask that all customers be considerate of each other, being mindful of our intent for the use of the Water Fill Stations, as described above.

Billing and Key Bond

Accounts will be issued quarterly to key holders and sent to the address nominated when the key is first issued, this account will be a seperate debtor account and will not form part of property water bills or rates and charges. Unpaid bills will be pursued, with loss of station access until bills have been paid in full or station access may be revoked entirely. The key bond will be refunded upon the return of your i-Button, access key & key tag.

Purchasing a Suitable Hose

For safety reasons, we cannot provide a dispensing hose at the Water Fill Stations. This is because hoses could be used by one party for dilution of herbicides or other poisons, then by another party for the supply of household drinking water. You must provide and use your own hose.

If using the free, slow fill connection, you will need a standard garden hose and connector. If using the high rate outlet, your hose and connectors must suit the station’s 75mm (3”) male Camlock outlet. Please see your local irrigation provider to discuss your particular needs.

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