Tree management

Information on tree removal, pruning and the Tree Preservation Order (TPO).

The requirements for the removal of trees and native vegetation has recently gone through a suite of Land Management and Biodiversity Conservation (LMBC) reforms by the NSW Government that commenced on 25 August 2017. The new legislation details what is required to be consider when someone is seeking the removal of a single tree through to areas of native vegetation.

The first is the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016, together with the Biodiversity Conservation Regulation 2017, which outlines the framework for addressing impacts on biodiversity from development and clearing. It establishes a framework to avoid, minimise and offset impacts on biodiversity from development through the Biodiversity Offsets Scheme.

The second piece of legislation is the State Environmental Planning Policy (Vegetation in Non-Rural Areas) (SEPP) 2017. The Vegetation SEPP regulates clearing of native vegetation on urban land and land zoned for environmental conservation/management that does not require development consent. The Vegetation SEPP applies to clearing of:

  1. native vegetation above the Biodiversity Offset Scheme (BOS) threshold where a proponent will require an approval from the Native Vegetation Panel established under the Local Land Services Amendment Act 2016; and
  2. vegetation below the BOS threshold where a proponent will require a permit from Council if that vegetation is identified in the Council’s development control plan (DCP).

The above documents can be obtained from the following links;

Given the recent changes in relation to the removal of trees and the clearing of native vegetation, please contact Council’s Environment and Sustainability Services in the first instance to identify whether you require a Permit to remove a Tree or clear native vegetation.

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