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MEDIA RELEASE 2021 - Bega Valley Shire Council is seeking volunteers to fill a number of vacancies on our community hall committees across the shire.
12 November 2021
Bega Valley Shire Council is seeking volunteers to fill a number of vacancies on our community hall committees across the shire.
“Volunteers play a central role in the sustainability of local halls,” Council’s Property Services Manager, Rickee Marshall said.
“We currently have a number of vacancies left by volunteers moving out of the region or taking a well-earned step back.
“Our halls committees are always on the look out for new volunteers, particularly Pambula, Tathra and Towamba at the moment, so if you’re looking for a way to contribute to your local community, I’d encourage you to volunteer for a halls committee.
“We’d like to particularly acknowledge the long-standing dedication of Tony Ovington, outgoing President of the Towamba Hall Committee and Warren Howard, outgoing President of the Wolumla Hall Committee.
“Their dedication to their roles and to their local communities has been outstanding and we thank them for their hard work and enthusiasm.”
Council currently manages community halls at Bemboka, Brogo, Candelo, Cobargo, Eden Log Cabin, Murrah, Nethercote, Pambula, Quaama, Rocky Hall, Tanja, Tarraganda, Tathra, Towamba, Wolumla and Wyndham.
Community hall committees are responsible for general care and maintenance, management of hall bookings and fee collection, as well holding regular hall committee meetings.
“Our halls are very important spaces where people of all ages come together, engage in cultural and recreational activities, create connections and build stronger communities,” Ms Marshall said.
“Without our volunteers, this wouldn’t be possible.”
If you would like to nominate for a community hall committee, please complete the volunteering nomination form on our website:
For any enquiries about volunteering for a community hall committee, please contact Katrina Berenguer on 6499 2112.
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PO Box 492
Bega NSW 2550
Monday to Friday 9.00AM to 4.30PM
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