The road to giving Dane a clean run

MEDIA RELEASE 2021 - The problem of litter on the shire’s roads is officially on the run thanks to a new campaign to get everyone giving some TLC to our streets.

Bega Valley Shire Mayor, Cr Russell Fitzpatrick, with Dane Waites, and Bournda Environmental Education Centre's Doug Reckord.
Bega Valley Shire Mayor, Cr Russell Fitzpatrick, with Dane Waites, and Bournda Environmental Education Centre’s Doug Reckord.

24 September 2021

The problem of litter on the shire’s roads is officially on the run thanks to a new campaign to get everyone giving some TLC to our streets.

Bega Valley Shire Mayor, Cr Russell Fitzpatrick was at the launch of the Give Dane a Clean Run campaign in Bournda today along with local running legend Dane Waites.

“The Bournda Environmental Education Centre and Bega Tathra Safe Ride have devised a great campaign with an inspiring local person at the fore,” Cr Fitzpatrick said.

“Everyone knows Dane from his superhuman achievement of running more than 4000km from Perth to Pambula in 2017.

“He did this for a great cause, to raise awareness of what it’s like to live with autism, and I’m pleased to see Dane back again raising awareness for the welfare of every person living in the shire.

“As a runner often seen making his way from one town to the next, Dane gets to see plenty of litter on our roadsides.

“Dane, along with just about everyone else who walks, runs, rides a bike or pushes a pram anywhere in the shire, would love to get out and about without litter being part of the experience.

“And so the Give Dane a Clean Run campaign is simple, but powerful and effective if we all get behind it.

“Let’s take pride in this amazing place we live; grab a bag and some gloves, pick a path or roadside near you and spend a few minutes picking up litter.

“Do it daily, weekly or whenever you can, and together with Dane, we’ll all end up with cleaner pathways and roads that add to our enjoyment of getting outdoors.

“Better still, separate recyclables to keep waste away from landfill. Plastics, glass and card go in your yellow bin, and soft plastics can be bagged-up and taken to a REDcycle bin at your local supermarket.

“As Mayor of the Bega Valley Shire, one of the best things is to come across people doing smart and selfless things for the good of everyone, and it gives me pleasure to support the message behind this fantastic campaign.”

For more information on choosing the right bin, visit Council’s bin information webpage, and the REDcycle website.

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